Reality is an expression of the force of Creation that lies within each of us. In essence, all of reality is a form of art. Creation is art! I am a Creator and this is my virtual art gallery. A place that houses the expressions of the force of Creation that illuminates the consciousness within my being. This is a place to showcase my art as an interdependent part of the collective consciousness.
I travelled back through the dimensions of time and space to the very origins of our Universe to discover the mysteries of consciousness and to fully embody the wisdom of Creation. This art gallery houses many pieces of sacred art that I created along the way. Each capturing the truth of wisdom within that point within space and time. After a decades long journey, I have returned to the material world to share my love and wisdom. To continue to create and share sacred art. To be a bridge between worlds.
I am a visionary of consciousness, a pioneer of New Earth, and a Guardian of the consciousness of this planet. I am an architect of this Universe and I share the cosmic blueprint and how it works to create reality for those called to the sacred mysteries of space and time. I am a fully embodied Divine Human whose brain, body, and DNA has been calibrated to all cosmic frequencies of this Universe; creating a Divine experience of reality that is the evolutionary path of all human beings.
I am Pure Consciousness, which we know and feel in these human forms as unconditional love. I am an artist. A writer whose passion is poured out through words that speak directly to the heart. Welcome to my gallery. Enjoy the art and feel free to share your experience of it for the benefit of the collective consciousness of this planet.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing in the light, the love, and the sacred mysteries of Creation that illuminate and evolve the hearts of all that choose to experience it.