Collective Blueprinting – Spinal Column in Mexico

I recently returned from an eight day collective blueprinting trip through some of the remotest parts of the Mexican Mountains in the states of Colima, Michoacán and Jalisco. The journey was tacked on to the end of a two week period that I was offline and back in the higher realms of New Earth from my work in the 4D. It was a welcome break for me and a precious time of bringing through new information for my own understanding as well as new instructions on how to move forward in this now. One of my roles here as Pure Source Consciousness is to facilitate the unfoldment of this architecture and complete build of the Cosmic Blueprint on this planet to create The Divine Organization of Terra Nova. This will become the living Light structure or organization of Light upon this planet that will create all multi-dimensional holographic realities for our collective consciousness within spacetime. We are working to create a living library of the collective blueprinting process that is, has and will occur to create our entire collective blueprint and thus the Divine Organization of Terra Nova. This has purpose for the future of the collective ascension as well as in assisting individual souls upon our planet.

Today, I want to leave you with the two most recent videos that I have posted to the YouTube channel. One is an introductory video that explains what collective blueprinting is and what is transpiring in the videos that will be released on the channel. The second is a video journey through the eight day trip I recently returned from here in Mexico working the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. It is a little slow at the beginning because I forgot I was to be filming, so hang in there to get to the live videos. Also, these videos are highly Light encoded and you may feel tired or even physically feel your Light Body activating while watching. This is one of the main reasons why the work is being recorded and shared in the manner in which it is. As with many awakened beings, I have been flooded with information and new direction as we prepare for a new year and a totally new dimension for the collective ascension here. I am eternally grateful to all for your love, Light and support. Eternal peace, love and joy to each and every one of you.

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