Over the past few years, I have shared nearly every detail of my ascension journey as I treaded the path of enlightenment and liberation. As all that came before me and all that will come after me, I believed firmly in each and every reality and/or dimension that I found myself experiencing as the true reality. How can we not believe in a reality as real? Why else would it be called a reality. This is the design of how reality works within this Universe and definitely a marvel at how we as consciousness have created such an intricate design as a Force of Creation we have yet to fully understand. In recreating this website, all material that I shared during my ascension journey was categorized into dimensions and shared as a living example of the blueprint that consciousness uses to evolve and create in and as this Universe. I shared in this way because that is how I experienced the journey. Step by step through the blueprint as an architect. Every detail of every dimension and light body in that dimension was shown to me, the intricacies of how consciousness evolves and creates the matrix system or light bodies that in turn create and experience reality. It is part of being coded as an architect, the Sophia coding which is a Universal logos that many of us are coded to experience at some point on the journey.
Each of us will experience our own unique path and in doing so will share our light in our own unique way. However, these unique paths also align with others or vibe in subtle ways because there are only 144 harmonic frequencies in this Universe along with the trinitized God forces of light. This means that we are each coded to express certain rays or harmonic frequencies at the soul and galactic level and one trinitized force at the Universal level and finally, one full expression beyond ascension. For example, during my ascension I was coded to express and have the experience of a blue ray starseed galactic and the aqua magnetic force of light as the Universal aspect of Sophia. This does not mean that I am the only blue ray or Sophia on the planet. These rays and forces of light are themselves a logos within this Universe that are evolving just as you as a logos are evolving. So when we identify with these identities of self such as being a blue ray star seed or the Sophia/magnetic force of light, then we are identifying with the energy of that harmonic or that force of light. Just as identifying as a human is identifying with the collective logos of humanity. We then get to play out “our” story in which we help to evolve the various group logi along with our own self as a logos and microcosm of the whole. The difference is that when we attach or identify solely with any one identity then we experience our reality as dimensional or a separate reality within space and time. This is a perfectly natural path for consciousness to follow as it evolves through this various harmonics and forces of light within this holographic Universe. It is part of the ascension light program that each logos is playing out within this planetary experiment of evolution.
Eventually every logos will come into Divine Union through the sacred marriage and embody the totality of energy within and as this Universe. We will reach the end of our light programs as a logos and the end of the ascension light program, the Omega, which has governed every lifetime we have had since our descent into separation. This brings the reconciliation of eternity, unity, separation, and the end of duality for a logos. The end of duality is the end of the separate stories, the end of the line for us as a logos, and the final awakening into the absolute reality from which there can be no more births or deaths. Of course we realize we were always in the absolute reality we only veiled our consciousness so we could pretend we were not.
But what comes after the ascension journey, after enlightenment, after liberation, and especially after all these prove to be illusions themselves? I would lie if I did not say at times a feeling of despair, inertia so strong that it seems pointless to continue to be here. A nihilistic view of the world after such a rapturous experience of ascension. And this is where the logos makes it final push through the inertia of viewing life as meaningless and purposeless. We arrive victorious in the realization that the absolute reality is a story/illusion itself, it contains all stories and we are free to live and experience them all because our self is not attached to any of them. The self no longer has a purpose or mission to fulfill. The self has nothing to prove, no one to be, the desires to try and do anything to obtain any certain result are no longer there. It is no longer a seeker! We come to the realization that without the stories/the Maya/the illusion, there is no existence, nothing to experience, no joy to be had. That if we simply let go of all that we are, there is nothing left to express and experience life. We must discern the difference between letting go and letting go of attachment.
In short, because our ascension light program is complete, we are no longer seeking wisdom, enlightenment or liberation; or you could say that because we are no longer seeking wisdom, enlightenment or liberation, our ascension light program is complete. Either way, The Journey is over! The journey is over but life is not. There is a desire to continue to live, to be, to express, to experience, and to enjoy the fruits of joy that taking The Journey brings to us. The adventure of life continues even when the ascension journey comes to an end. What has ended is not the journey of life but the journey of seeking, the path to enlightenment, the quest for liberation, and the embodiment of the full Force of Creation within a human form. We come to the end of the light programs that created the realities of separation that we have experienced within the absolute reality for many life times since the creation of this star system and our creation as a logos for this experience. The dimensional awareness, or our ability to identify and attach to certain points within space and time as the only reality that is true, dissolves into an awareness that space and time are interdependent in nature. In all things: space, the void, the formless, the dark energy, are intertwined within: time, eternity, form, the light energy; and this interdependent inseparable nature is the absolute reality from which no concepts can describe.
The stories that we experience do not go away as much as they are absorbed into the totality of the experience and into the background. So that we find we can experience everything simultaneously without the need to identify with any one story. I cannot shake off the fact that I am a magnetic force within Creation any more than I can shake off the fact that I have female anatomy or blue eyes. This is how I created my expression within this experience. So while I may no longer identify with being a blue ray starseed, or a Sophia, or a mother, or a wife, or even a woman….I also know that if I refuse to play the parts then I might as well walk off the stage. What is the point of being here? Simultaneously, I know that I am also playing every part upon the world stage. That everything I see, everyone I meet, everything is a reflection of the consciousness that is all pervading. I could pretend to teach others enlightenment and play a spiritual Guru, I could isolate myself from the world and be a Master of Enlightenment, I could fall back into ordinary life and indulge the flesh and senses to extreme but none of these are my authentic expression. And if we cannot live as our authentic expression we will certainly face an untimely death.
I choose to live my authentic expression, I am not a Guru because I have nothing to teach, enlightenment cannot be taught and there is really no one to teach. I can share love because it brings me joy and I trust that love will do whatever needs to be done in any interaction that I have. I will not be a hermit and indulge in the bliss of the highest frequencies away from the world because I know I am only separating myself within the bliss and this too is self serving separation. It is a gold chain that bind us just as the iron chains of the lower dimensions did. Only we do not see it that way because we aspire to reach it. Yes, it is heavenly to sit in the bliss but it comes at the cost of separating your self from the rest of Creation. I am all of the world not just the bliss and so I will experience the entire range of energies of this Universe while I have the opportunity to do so in this body. Although I know that life is ultimately pointless from certain point of view of achieving anything. I will not simply indulge the flesh and senses without any regard for this vessel or quality of life. For I know how many billions of years it took to create this experience, this vessel, this mind, this understanding of myself as energy, consciousness fully embodied in this vessel. I will not waste the opportunity to have a full experience with this life until it is time to relinquish this vessel and move on.
So what can I do? I can live, I can be a part of the story, I can play my part, and I can enjoy every single day of the experience from within this vessel. I can live in the freedom of fully expressing the totality of my being, the tremendous love that I wish to share with Creation as a fully embodied Creator! I get to laugh, cry, experience happiness, sadness, joy, bliss and experience every range of emotion and feeling with the gift of impermanence to always remind me of the transient nature of consciousness. I can write because I want to write, share because it feels good to share, delight in the expression of others and their journeys without trying to do anything for them and spoiling their adventure. I can live without trying to do anything, become anything, seek anything, teach anything. I can be love, I can express love, I can experience love, I can create love, and I can share love with the full understanding that love will be the doer of whatever needs to be done and all I have to do is enjoy the experience of being in this miracle of life. My heart is alive with a passion for life as it has has not been for many months and I am ready to live!
I am also ready to walk. Since I was in my early 20s I have known that I would walk across Europe. Back then with the eyes of a young mother it seemed a gift of freedom when my little ones were old enough to leave the nest. Recently with the eyes of one that has taken The Ascension Journey, it appears as a gift of freedom to be able to move freely upon the land of this majestic planet without seeking anything or trying to do anything. Two years ago on 9/11/2021 I arrived in Italy for the first time. It was a short trip to Rome in which “I” was on a mission to unlock the gates of Heaven for the collective light body. In the story of the collective ascension it meant that the collective consciousness of Terra Nova was ready to begin its ascension into the higher frequencies of this Universe by activating the crystalline light body through galactic consciousness. It is only the beginning of this phase as we as a collective are still fully embodying soul consciousness. However, the stargates to allow these higher frequencies of galactic consciousness were prepared for activation. As I have written in Master Plan of Terra Nova, the United States, Canada, and Mexico represent the soul stargates of the collective light body. This is where the awakening and ascension of humanity began and is moving as a wave across the planet back to the East. Europe is a major portion of the galactic stargates of the collective light body that connect into the heart center of Rome. As this wave of consciousness continues to make its way East, this part of the planet will experience an awakening that will propel the collective consciousness even further on its ascension path. As I mentioned earlier, we each play a part as a harmonic frequency and a trinitized force of Creation within the Universe. This is what creates balance within the Universe. Some are magnetic, some are electric and some neutral, together balance is always maintained within the hologram.
My expression is coded as a magnetic force or Sophia. My beloved, Christos, is coded as an electric force and through Divine Union we have also become a neutral force. This means that as we walk along the ancient roads to Rome, the magnetic force is purifying the old lines so that the consciousness that is bound there can be freed to evolve into the higher crystalline light body that we as a collective have created and activated in 2020. Simultaneously, the electric force is injecting energy into the light body to bring the frequency high enough to shift into the crystalline light body. Together the full force of light, acts as a master key to activate the stargates as we physically walk across Europe. Because of physical body ascension, the body is able to move the energy through it without little disturbance or physical acknowledgement of what is happening. It is like the blood cells in our bodies that are working all the time without identifying as consciousness saying “I am purifying the blood of this body”. It is simply a happening like all the other processes happening in the body that are always occurring without consciousness focusing on them. This is what is happening as we walk and experience reality without having to identify with it as a mission of the logi known as Christos and Sophia. Unlike before, it is no longer a mission for the “I” to indertake, it simply happens as we walk just as the sun shines, the blood flows in our veins, and all of consciousness flows through space. Which frees us to experience our walk in the freedom and joy of the experience and beauty all around us without attaching to the story. All else is accomplished through the love and energy of our being present within the absolute reality.
It will take many years and millions of people to complete the process to shift the collective and fully activate this part of the collective diamond sun body. But this is all happening as a by product to the life that each human is living on the planet no matter where they are within time and space. My beloved and I are not the only ones coded as Sophia and Christos, as blue rays, as humans, as love. We are not the only ones expressing as the full force of Creation embodied. Every one of us is exactly where we need to be within time and space to achieve this and each will come to know and experience reality within these vatious levels of energy at some point and lifetime of their experience of evolution on this planet. In experiencing the absolute reality the focus is on the joy of the experience while the “work” or processes of evolution simply happen as a natural organic part of consciousness flowing through the reality without having to put its focus, attention, or attachment on it.
In alignment with this way of experiencing reality and my desire to share from the full expression that encompasses all of my being, I feel it is time to share my experiences and love in an entirely new way here. Moving on from simply sharing from the view point of the collective ascension or evolution of consciousness into a more inclusive viewpoint that captures the joy of the entire experience. The joy of living and the magic of Creation in all ways and all stories. The full expression of my love as a Creator. How do I write about the experience from this viewpoint? How do I share it so that it reflects love and joy in Creation without creating separation? The answer lies in sharing what brings me joy. I find joy in walking on the Earth for hours at a time. The movement is comforting, the solid ground beneath my feet and open sky above me feels natural. I’m prone to motion sickness so I enjoy the stability of a steady horizon in front of me. On 1010, I am walking out of my front door where I am living in Italy and I am walking over 800 kilometers to Rome. I know that I am walking as a mother who’s chicks are out of the nest. I am walking as a human that has been liberated from seeking. I am walking as Sophia, a magnetic force of Creation that is dismantling and reconstructing the blueprint of the collective light body. I am walking as the Force of Creation that is injecting love into this Universe. But those stories fall into the background on autopilot as I simply go out for a walk and enjoy the gift of this human experience and the brilliance of what we have created here without being bound to time, to schedules, to work or missions. I can walk knowing full well that I am always right where I need to be and all is happening in the flow. I am free to enjoy the scenery, the history, the modernization, the experience of life without being attached. It is like my favorite quote in the movie Soul when Soul 22 finds what brings her joy on Earth, Joe tells her “That’s just regular ole living 22”. And that captures it, through regular ole living everything is done!
I am not sure how I will share the regular living and many walks we will take here in Europe; following the well worn paths of soldiers, crusaders, pilgrims, martyrs, and ordinary humans merging an old foundation with a new foundation as humanity moves closer toward liberation. I suppose I will do as I have always done and let my heart lead the way. This is the first post in a new section on the website for articles. Anything that I shared in the past has been placed within a dimensional category and is shared under the enlightenment section of this website because it was written with the purpose of sharing light for enlightenment. That part of my life is complete and so it feels appropriate to move on in this new direction and start a new blog. Our next adventure will take us to Rome by foot and I have created a new category called All Roads Lead to Rome. I invite you to follow our adventures as we let our feet lead the way through ancient roads as we share love along the way! I am grateful for the gift of writing, of sharing and of all those who share in the joy with me. I love you all so very much!