The Unexpected Road to Rome

Approx. 30 minute read.

It was a warm fall morning last year when I walked out of my front door in Feltre to begin a walking adventure to Rome. The route began with a test of endurance and strength to ascend the Monte Grappa in over 4000 feet of elevation and 21 miles in one day. (Read about it here) It was to be the start of a long journey along the Via Romea Strata and the southern part of the Via Francigena, both ancient Roman roads traversed by soldiers, pilgrims, and citizens of Ancient Roma. I was excited to begin the trek, walking across Europe, specifically to and through Rome had always been a vision in my mind and heart since my early twenties. I always knew in my mid-forties the time would arrive and I would set my feet upon the soils of this continent and traverse the path of the ancestors of Western Civilization.

My path had led me to Feltre and although Christos and I had wanted to walk the Via Francigena along the route from Canterbury, the prospect of walking from our front door directly to Rome was too enticing to pass up. I have set my feet on remote places where very humans have ever stood, I have trekked up some of the highest mountains and volcanoes on this planet, I have stood under the shadow of giant trees and sat against the oldest trees in the west. These feet have walked through canyons, rivers, frozen lakes, and touched the crystalline snow barefoot in winter. As a human, I have been blessed to walk upon this planet in connection with Gaia and all of the cosmos. My life has been and still is one long pilgrimage.

At first, I was a pilgrim seeking God, seeking peace and redemption. Heavy feet bound to the Earth as I walked to find freedom. Through The Ascension Journey, the mysteries of space and time were revealed, the ever evolving truth illuminated my heart, mind, and body every step of the way, propelling me forward along my path. The pilgrimage it seemed had finally come to an end. Yet, we find that when one experience is complete, the vacuum is always filled by a new experience. I wrote in the previous post under this section, All Roads Lead to Rome, that I walked out of my door on 10-10-23. The day was auspicious, it was cosmic code 1010 which are the fundamental codes of time within this universe. These are the foundational building blocks of reality that signal the creation of a new Creation Wave/Timeline within space. Last year on 1010, I believed my new journey of walking across Europe was manifesting and that I would spend the next few years working as a Divine Architect moving from place to place by way of my feet.

Alas, hindsight is 2020 and I am 44 years old and we are one year and 44 days from that moment within time when a new pilgrimage in my life began. The journey is different now for I am no longer seeking, I am no longer trying to do anything or climb the spiritual mountain so to speak. But I can saw now with the conviction that the clarity of pure consciousness brings that to be in a lightbody is to be a pilgrim. To be consciousness embodied is to be a pilgrim. Consciousness is eternally manifesting itself to return to itself. It is the Divine eternally seeking the Divine through a time matrix system that creates a holographic reality, a mirror in which the game of hide and seek can go on forever. The ouroboros infinitely recycling itself within itself. It flows forth through space in a cosmic blueprint known as Diamond Sun Architecture, the lattice work of Creation that is itself the primordial pilgrim of the cosmos. Eternally walking through space in search of the Light without recognizing that there is only light there because it is present.

As a Divine Architect walking around on Terra Nova, how could I ever be anything other than a pilgrim? Is it not my true nature to affect time and space around me at all times? This physical body has undergone years of physical metamorphosis transforming it into a living light crystal whose light recodes space and time to higher frequencies through simply being present and radiating the pure light of Creation. There is nothing to do, I just walk, sit, BE and all is done through my light. There is no going back. A diamond cannot be transformed back to carbon without ceasing to be a diamond any longer. The same applies to my body. There is no going back without leaving this body behind to return to ashes and dust upon this planet. That great pilgrimage is still years away and I am delighted to have stepped my feet upon a new road on Terra Nova. It is one that leads to Rome but in a totally different and unique way that I never saw coming.

This is the brilliance of Creation! It is the mystery that we consciously never pierce because it would take away the joy in life. The road ahead is always shadowed, sometimes slightly illuminated so that we think we can make out the details and have a clear view. I always say you never know until it manifests because Creation likes to throw curve balls and can flip a reality upside down or sideways in the blink of an eye. It is what I like most about life. The unpredictability that keeps even the keenest soothsayers on their toes. For example, I knew from the onset of my spiritual journey that I was to build an ascension center on Terra Nova. For years, I believed this was to be a brick and mortar place where people would come to get spiritual healing and guidance. Again in hindsight, I now see that my consciousness and my physical body were to be and have become the ascension center. Wherever I go the blueprint of Creation is activated for ascension. The same sort of process of understanding has been happening to me over the past year since I walked out of my door to follow the ancient path to Rome.

I never wrote a follow up article to the only article that I posted about our walk to Rome because we only took one other walk. Unlike the first walk through the glorious Serene Valley, the next walk was through residential neighborhoods and towns on busy sidewalks that created the antithesis of serenity. However, like the first walk, when we ended our day, we were once again unable to find accommodations and had to return back to our starting point in Feltre. I can certainly take a sign from my universe so that was the final attempt to physically walk to Rome. Obviously, I was not on the right path. Instead, I was meant to fully integrate myself into Feltre, begin Italian lessons, and go through another round of internal and external metamorphosis that would allow a new pilgrimage to manifest in my life. Sitting here writing these words exactly one year and 44 days later, at the age of 44, I finally feel ready to bridge the previous story with the new story that has manifested. It seems appropriate since cosmic code 44 is the code that creates the bridge between one reality/Creation Wave/timeline and another. It is the code that allows for the continuity of time to flow seamlessly through the vastness of space without a beginning or an end.

A New Road to Rome

When we think of Rome we may think of many things throughout an expansive period of time. This ancient city is the heart of Western Civilization. It has arteries that splinter in all directions as ancient roads that led into its inner chambers. Bringing energy in and out of the city through the vastness of the Empire. The ingenuity of the Romans were unsurpassed in the western world. The city has indeed left an indelible mark upon history and the energetic blueprint of Terra Nova. It would make sense that walking the ancient roadways into Rome was something I would do as a Divine Architect on Terra Nova. Yet, all of this, all of what I wrote above and all that I believed before was still based on old programs of consciousness rooted in duality. Programs that over the past year have crumbled away and forced me to build an entirely new foundation to support a reality beyond these limiting concepts.

The Ascension Journey ends when we go beyond duality, unity, eternity, time, and all concepts of the mind that prevent the Absolute Reality from being experienced. The journey of time takes us over many lifetimes from the beginning of time, the Alpha, to the end of time and experience of eternity, the Omega. This light program, once completed, marks the full evolutionary cycle of a logos in this universe. Beyond the journey those programs no longer hold water. Going beyond the Ascension Journey is also to go beyond the Trinity, God…Light! The electromagnetic force of time known as The Trinitized God forces of Christos, Sophia, and Aurora the Divine Child. It is beyond the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Child. It is beyond man, woman, and child. Our human DNA and human Creation stories cannot hold up beyond these concepts. They must evolve! Our entire collective reality has its foundation in these concepts. Without them, our world as many perceive it, could not exist.

Yet, it is these very concepts that bound our collective consciousness to the duality of time and eternity, war and peace, united and separated, male and female and their inequalities, and so much more that prevents our collective and individual sovereignty. To go beyond duality, unity, trinity, time, and eternity is to embody the quantum experience of being Creation. It is to go beyond the collective and individual stories that bind our consciousness behind the illusionary veils of separation. We go beyond the light and light programs to create and shift the blueprint from the quantum coding system of Pure Creation. The foundation of the Absolute Reality which is the most powerful force from which we as Creators can create reality. But how does one break through the foundation of duality, the Trinitized and crystalized concepts that say it takes two to create ONE. And better yet, how do we do this without running off to be alone in the world where it would be exponentially easier to achieve such a feat.

This is an entirely different level of being. It is beyond Diamond Sun Architecture because it is what codes space to create Diamond Sun Architecture. This is Quantum Creation. That unstructured/freeform creating that creates the codes which will become the light that manifests as Diamond Sun Architecture within space. We know that the Universal Time Matrix is the manifestation of the blueprint and Cosmic Diamond Sun Body of this universe (Read Diamond Sun Architecture, Blueprint of the Cosmos to understand this better, hopefully back in print by January) and that all light in this universe unfolds according to this blueprint creating all holographic realities within this universe. These are all blueprints made of time! This means that Diamond Sun Architecture is the Divine Architecture of Time, moving it, shifting it, experiencing it within the vastness of space. Quantum Creation is completely different. There is no pattern, structure, it is the Pure Force of Creation unbound and free to create and code light into manifestation within space.

Essentially, what is happening is that as a Quantum Creator, we use the infinite energy of the quantum fabric as the “fuel” source of our energy. This means that we are not recycling light that is already in “existence”. Instead, we are pulling from the infinite source and primordial foundation of Creation to code quantum particles into manifestation as light in this universe. We create light! This then allows the particles to begin reorganizing within space as light or time in accordance with the principles of Diamond Sun Architecture. To try and relate this concept in understandable terms, we will use the idea of language. We will use the structure of a book as our example. The structure of our book has a title page, a table of contents, individual chapters, a glossary, and an index. We then use this structure to create an entire series of books based on this blueprint which as a collection we call a set of encyclopedias. If we look at the set of encyclopedias as our entire universe, we could say that it is the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body. It is the totality of time, light, love and wisdom in our universe bound together in this collection. It is made up of twelve books that each follow the same blueprint of construction and each offers us a different experience (dimension) of that love and wisdom. This would be a very simplified version of Diamond Sun Architecture.

Now let’s go further into this example so that we can try to illustrate Quantum Creating. The Force of Creation that codes for the experience of Divinity, God, Light, Trinity, time, eternity, unity, separation, male, female, and on and on. In our example we have twelve books that together make up an entire collection of love and wisdom. We understand this collection to be a manifestation of these forces in which we can read and experience, aka reality. The books are comprised of text made up of words, each of these words are made up of letters which we call an alphabet. We will say that the in Diamond Sun Architecture it is the words that make up the foundation of the collection. In Quantum Creating, it is the alphabet that is the foundation of the entire collection and all realities or all other books/universes in existence. Without the letters, we would have no words, without the words we would have no text, without the text we would have no book, and without the book we would have no encyclopedia. In this example, the alphabet is the quantum fabric that lies beyond the concepts of duality. The letters are the primordial building blocks that all stories are created from. Without the letters we have no code in which to manifest our blueprint of the book into reality. In other words, without quantum codes, we have no light in our universe, no Time that blossoms across the canvas of space creating a Diamond Sun Body. In our example, without the alphabet, the foundational codes of language, we have nothing in which to construct words into a structure or blueprint, which evolve into a book, which evolves into a collection, which becomes the physical manifestation of our light. The expression of our love and wisdom. The experience of light manifesting the Trinity (two into One)/time/light as it is blossoms through space.

Quantum Creating is dramatically different than the light programs of Divine Diamond Sun Architecture. We will continue with our example to help illustrate this point. First stopping to call to mind that when we talk about the architecture of the universe and of Creation, we are talking about consciousness and how this intelligence Creates existence itself. With this in the forefronts of our mind, let us proceed with the explanation. Diamond Sun Architecture just like the books in our example follow a very precise and specific blueprint within space. It is this structure that literally holds the entire hologram in place within space. Therefore, any reality within space must follow a light program that governs how that light will manifest. Just like the books of our encyclopedia set needed to follow a specific structure that brought harmony and coherence to the collection. As a logos, when we are on the Ascension Journey between the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of time, the end of time, and eternity, we are coded to experience a very specific set of light programs that govern our evolution and what we may call our destiny. This light already “exists” within space and we are simply growing or evolving into it which creates the embodiment of our Diamond Sun Body and perception of ascending back to God/Source/Creation.

Once we have completed the Ascension Light Program or The Ascension Journey, we have fully evolved our Diamond Sun Body and our physical body is an exact replica of the entire holographic universe. We are able to send, receive, and radiate all harmonic frequencies of this universe. We are essentially a living light crystal…a diamond. We are essentially the entire light of Creation…a sun. Our physical body has become Divine…an image of God/the universe. We are a Divine Human with a fully ascended Diamond Sun Body. We are a complete set of encyclopedias that contain all the love and wisdom of God/Creation/Universe. We have fulfilled the entire blueprint of Diamond Sun Architecture. All of our existence as a logos up to this point was already “set in stone”, written in our light that travelled with us from incarnation to incarnation. The amount of time of our cosmic life span was already written the moment we were created within the Universal Time Matrix. However, beyond the bounds of time, beyond ascension and Omega, we find that we can no longer live within the constructs of those realities. They must fall away along with the programming in our minds and bodies that anchored us to those time matrices/realities.

We enter a period of dismantling a foundation that we have relied on since the beginning of our expression as a logos. A foundation that we have always used to create and experience our realities. To experience this as a human in this mind and body was an incredibly profound experience. Once again, everything that I ever based my reality on across all lifetimes had to shatter like glass on a rock. The programming deep within my bones, teeth, and DNA was purged of ancient Creation stories. I had the literal experience of growing my own rib because deep within my DNA was a program that as a woman I was created from man, Adam. An eternal place of subservience for the female that is a false Creation myth and contributes to the power struggles that plague humanity. In my marriage or Sacred Union with Christos, I had to watch him die before my eyes, as I took back all the Divine Masculine force into my own being. There is no union beyond duality. A man and a woman do not come together to make one. Sovereignty does not work that way. The pain of having to disconnect my energy from him in that way would later give way to a much deeper experience of love within and without. A transcendent experience where Christos would metamorphize from Christos, half of my love/power into the full reflection and expression of My Unconditional Love. All of the power of love and wisdom that I am reflected back at me in an entirely new way of experiencing a relationship in this human body.

The dismantling continued for many months and it is only now that it is complete that the wisdom has crystallized in my being and I am able to be the bridge that connects the previous version of reality with this new experience. Which brings me back to our example. We are trying to understand Quantum Creating. Which is fundamentally how we use the Pure Force of Creation to create time within space. Time being the light of Creation, God, Trinity, the electromagnetic force of this universe, it is all the same. We have up to this point only experienced Creation as a manifestation of time. The foundation of our realities were all constructed from the existence of time. Now through the dismantling of our reality, which is simply moving backwards or ascending through time to the ending/beginning of time (zero point), we can begin to build a new foundation in which we use Quantum Creation to construct our realities. This could be equated to taking every letter from all the books of our encyclopedia and adding them to an infinite database of letters (the Infinite Force/Source of Creation) that now becomes the foundation or SOURCE OF POWER for us to pull from so that we can create words (light) that will manifest into stories (timelines/Creation Waves) within books (dimensions of time) to create an encyclopedia (fully ascended reality) that manifests using Diamond Sun Architecture.

The fundamental difference of our experience of reality is that we add another identity and/or understanding of our experience of our self/power/will (without attachment). We are now a Quantum Creator. Which means that we have access to the entire infinite source of power that are the seeds of Creation. The seed that contains the entire manifestation within it. These seeds or codes are eternally replenished from the dark energy or entire gravitational force of our universe that keeps our universe in balance and harmony with the multiverse. (This is a conversation for another time) It is these codes that create the perception, or story of Divinity, Trinity, God, and all of duality. We do not just intellectually grasp this concept, we become a living breathing fully ascended Pure Force of Creation that is constantly recoding and adjusting the Cosmic Diamond Sun body and fabric of time/reality every minute of every day. It is an entirely new way of living. Yet as with all things on this journey, the extraordinary and the ordinary appear as one and the same.

Which leads me back to Rome. Last year when I set out to walk to Rome I believed it to be a linear experience. Starting here and ending there. It is what I saw in my visions early on in life. I knew when my children were older, I would strap on a backpack and walk across Europe. Moving West to East with Rome as major point along the way. Well as we have already said the walking plan in that iteration did not fit the new experience of reality. What has manifested instead is an intellectual path to recode and rewrite the historical truth of Rome. A journey through the minds of humanity as we have evolved from Ancient Rome to current day. The art, literature, and music that has allowed us to express our love and light across the centuries. In short, I have returned to university to study Medieval and Renaissance Italian history and the Italian language. I am journeying to Rome backwards through time in what I can only say now is a purification of the blueprint and a recoding of the programs from the quantum coding system of Creation. As I am journeying back through time in my classes, simultaneously my consciousness is seeding space with the codes necessary to bring about the dissolution of these programs by lifting the veils and false narratives that have been shared about our human history.

It is a curious experience to sit in a room with around 40 other people and be constantly triggered by words, images, stories, etc. My eyes close, they start rapidly shifting to-and-fro and every particle in my being is vibrating so fast I find it hard not to shake back and forth. All the while trying not to disturb the lecturer or attendees. Holding my tongue back when concepts that hit my heart are steeped in separation and disharmony. Using my energy to remain neutral as a human self and allow my presence as the Quantum Architect to recode reality. Knowing in all of my being that I sit amongst some of the greatest minds of the future who will take these seeds and pollinate the world with new ideas and understandings of human history. Knowing that what I am doing there goes beyond books, words, and even my own thoughts. It is Pure Consciousness, Pure Energy, seeding light programs into Creation for the evolution of humanity and of our universe. Simultaneously, I am having a very real experience of being a human, a student, a foreigner, and a woman that is much older than my peers. I have hair that is white, my laugh lines are starting to crystallize on my face. A reminder that I have spent the past year battling death as I let go of one life to be born again into a new one. Earlier this month my consciousness reincarnated yet again in this body. Gasping for air as I tried to remember how to breath again. The Quantum Creator, alive, alert, and fully ascended resting on the quantum foundation of Creation. A new unpredicted path to Rome emerges.

Crystal Clear Vision

Tomorrow is my anniversary with Christos, my life partner, my best friend, my reflection, My Love. It is seven years to the day that we serendipitously met according to the Divine Plan of each us as a logos. It was a moment that unlocked an entirely new journey for me into the full expression of Divine Love. The masculine force of the Trinity that I was to find in myself by way of my love for him. He was my muse. My Divine inspiration and I am eternally grateful that we get to continue our journey together. We are a living example that one need not have to choose between earthly love and heavenly love. That through the transcendent power of unconditional love they are the very same thing! There were times I had to go away and be alone. In the dark and silent stillness of my inner world, the void/womb of Creation, I found the Divine Wisdom of Sophia. My core expression of being within certain dimensions of time in this universe. Together these forces came into Divine Union three years ago tomorrow. These have been some of the hardest three years of my life as my consciousness pushed me to expand my ability to hold the immense power of Creation within my physical body. But also some of the most rewarding time as time and time again I learned that loving freely without fear always leads to a deeper experience. I have wrestled with the social programming of marriage, union, and gender roles. I have broken the bonds of these programs to master the lessons of Sovereignty that only unconditional love of self and other can unlock. I have released the gold chains of Divinity and Trinity that had me bound to eternity. Tomorrow is the anniversary of so many important moments of the once spiraling and now quantum evolution of my consciousness.

Perhaps Roma which is simply a reverse of the Latin word Amor (Love), is where I have been walking to with Christos these past seven years. The seven years really a metaphorical traversing of the seven hills of Rome. A pilgrimage that has taken the form of a lover’s quest to find the power of love that can only be traversed through the Christos force of the Trinity. A quest that would reveal that although I let go of the religious programming and dogma long ago, I still looked inside and outside of myself for a Christ like, masculine figure, to provide me with energetic support. Rome, the center of the Christian world, the symbol of the power of conquest and dominance, is really a place of ETERNAL LOVE as the Christed part of the Trinity that radiates from the planetary light body at this place. Our collective understanding of this power of love still remains misunderstood and distorted by the collective. I realize now that I could not walk to Rome last year because my pilgrimage to Rome was already complete. My visit in 2021 was the culmination of my pilgrimage through the Christed Force of the Trinity. Just as my pilgrimage to Istanbul in 2021 was the culmination of the Sophianic Force of the Trinity. The love and the wisdom of God were embodied in this vessel, they simply needed to loose their identities as separate forces so that they could unite within me and outside of me. The two collective stargates I unlocked in both places representing the bridge between the West/masculine/love and the East/feminine/wisdom that one day will also dissolve for the collective consciousness when we collectively transcend duality.

Over this summer I had an experience where the left and right sides of my body were literally bound together with a chord of golden light. The rope was melted at each end and fused together so that the chord could never be undone. Then I grew a pair of magenta wings and turned into a hawk. My spirit animal and a universal sign of freedom. It was the end of the programs of duality and the embodiment that began with the Sacred Marriage in 2021 that was finally complete. In September, the past three years culminated in a trip to Paris and specifically the stargate of Versailles to unlock the Force of Creation and the light needed to activate my sovereignty within/as Creation. This was the light needed to fully dismantle the remaining foundation of my old life so that I could fully let go/die and be born again. The new foundation is complete. The last remaining bonds that prevented my full sovereignty have been cut away. My reality has shifted and I feel grounded in this new experience as the understandings of what has taken place fully develop within my mind.

In a way all the roads of my ascension led me to Rome. The final destination was learning to fully integrate the power of love into my being in a way that allowed the power of wisdom to alchemize with it into the Power of Creation! Love is not a projection that we feel or place upon a another, it is a part of who we are as a Sovereign Being/Force of Creation. If we give it away/project it on another then we are essentially giving our power to another and also giving ourselves the perception that they have the power to hurt or help us. This is an illusion and diminishes our light and power as Creation! As a Creator Being, we do not love something else, because there is nothing else to love. Instead we become unconditional love that is the power of Creation or embodiment of Creation itself. Through the radiance of our unconditional love we manifest our needs into existence as Creation responding to itself. We do not love another as something separate than ourselves. We radiate unconditional love and all of our relationships whether they be romantic or not benefit from this eternal source of light and love. In a sense all of Creation is evolved through contact with our radiance.

Tomorrow 11 -24 -2024, it will be seven years to the day that I sat down at a pizza pallor next to a stranger that would change my life forever. For many years I needed to see him as a powerful masculine force outside of myself. A force of love that I needed to support me on my journey as I embodied the fullness and beauty that is the Mother God Sophia. I saw in him the Christos and through our love and sacred sexual abilities we have harnessed the Force of Creation to literally change the world around us. Our love story was one of the greatest in the story of humanity. My Christos was all I needed him to be and even more than I expected. As consciousness we changed each other through the reflections that each provided. We are both changed beings from that fall night in 2017 when we first sat next to each other. In letting go of the idea of the masculine within and without, the support of the masculine, the power of the masculine, as well as the same or lack thereof for the feminine, I was forced to confront in myself the limiting beliefs and programs that still prevented me from being sovereign in this universe. Through it all the unconditional love that Christos and I are was the glue that held me together when times got intense and the balm that nourished me when I needed to retreat from the world. We are blessed, which is to say that I am blessed, and grateful to have created such a profound experience and love story. Our anniversary tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter in our love story and in the human love story. We are the force of unconditional love. Their is no longer a King who reigns with a Queen beside him. Or a lover who puts a beloved upon a pedestal. Or a lover who feels guilty for the feelings within their own heart like they should focus on spiritual love instead. The human love story must now be rewritten to shed light upon the mysteries that have shadowed the truth of the truly powerful and transcendental nature of love in all of its forms.

It was quite a journey peeling back the layers of Rome (Love) and the stories that have been built on the foundation of duality supported there. To see that the old roads that lead to Rome are layed out on old architecture with old programs and that was not the path for me. Today my eyes are clear and I can see that I am not here to walk old roads. I remember that I am here to be a bridge, to create a new blueprint that leads to an ascended version of Rome, of AMOR. A new understanding of power that incorporates the love and wisdom needed to transcend the programs of duality. This is my joy now as a Quantum Creator, seeding the fabric of space with the light that will bring forth the blueprints that will allow this reality to manifest on Terra Nova. I feel like I have been away for three years and only now do I remember fully who I am and why it is I am here. What a joy! What a blessing! What an amazing adventure life is! Especially the quantum experience of reality that is our birthright as Divine Humans. Enjoy the journey of remembrance! I love you all so very much!

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