
Today is Epiphany, a Christian holiday that is celebrated 13 days after the birth of Christ or Christmas each year. It is celebrated in the West as the day when the Magi (the three wise men) presented Jesus with gifts proclaiming him the manifestation of Divinity to the Gentiles. The word is derived from the Greek word epiphinea, meaning, manifestation. Originally, the tradition has its roots in the Eastern Church in a celebration, on the same day, of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. In the East the holiday is called Theophany, a Greek term which means the manifestation of a deity to a worshipper through an observable and tangible form. We also define the word epiphany as a great and sudden revelation or realization. If we look at this day in accordance with our annual ascension timeline, we can see how the cosmic energy on and around this day each year is conducive to manifestations, realizations, and revelations that shape our reality for a new year.

By this date each year we have passed through the December Solstice, the Perihelion, and are beginning our ascent from the dark back into the light. We are moving from the most Yin, feminine, magnetic energy of our annual timeline and beginning our ascent into the Yang, masculine, electric energy of form. We have been able to take the stillness of the solstice and darkest days of the year to commune within the Cosmic Womb. Shedding and releasing the dense energy we have accumulated throughout the year. Observing the patterns, reflecting on what we have learned. Receiving the wisdom and intuitive understandings that will help bring forth or manifest a new timeline in the spring. If we are tuned into the cycles of time/energy that govern the evolution of life on our planet then we will have listened to the call from within and capitalized on this most precious time of year to join nature in stillness and become impregnated with new life that will burst forth in the spring.

The Perihelion signals the opening of our eyes once more to the light of the outer world. The gestation is not complete but we have begun our evolution back into the light. Here we arrive at Epiphany, a time when the mind awakens once more and the light that was impregnated within our consciousness in the dark days of December begins to reveal or manifest itself in our awareness. This Divine spark announces the arrival of a new perception/awareness of our own Divinity. The Christed energy within our reality is leveled up from the nourishment it has received from the Mother. If we have stayed in harmony with the Cosmic forces that move all of Creation then around this day, we experience the revelation or realization of the Divine Self within and the transcendence into a new awareness of our selves and of our reality.

If we were able to take the gifts of the previous annual energetic timeline that governs our planet and accept them not as a negative experience or a positive experience but simply as the one and only experience that we needed to get us to where we are right now; Then we set ourselves up to transcend that reality and receive a new one on the next cycle. These may be small in scope or we may receive a new reality that turns our life upside down. It depends on our own evolution as a logos and the experience that we have chosen to have this lifetime. The Epiphany brings the inner knowing that we have transcended our experience and allows us the first glimpse at the light that will illuminate our world in the coming year. However, it is still in its gestation and will not begin its full manifestation until we reach the Spring Equinox in March.

The time we find ourselves in between now and then allows this light to grow or expand our awareness from the inside. Reprogramming our minds, shifting our physical bodies, and bringing about a new understanding of ourselves and our reality as we prepare for the birth of a new experience in March. If we truly transcended something in our reality then we can be assured that the experience will not come back again at a later date. If however, we simply let something go or spiritually by passed it by blocking it out, then we can also be assured that in the new year or at some point again in the future evolution of our experience as a logos, the experience will come around again for us to truly transcend it and bring it into oneness with our being.

Transcendence versus Letting Go – Personal Experience

Letting go is a popular term in the new age spiritual community. Letting go of what not longer serves us, letting go of toxic people or situations, letting go of things we no longer vibe with, etc. Before letting go, we could ask our selves, if we simply let go of something, have we brought it into oneness with our being or have we cast it aside as something separate that disturbed our state of being? Have we really overcome something in our reality or have we chucked it aside, out of sight out of mind? Casting it into the abyss instead of bringing it into the light. Or instead of letting it go, can we allow it to gracefully fall away or remain in our reality in a changed state through the act of transcendence.

In a real life example of what I am trying to explain, I will, as always use my own experience to shed light onto the issue. Years ago, I identified as a Catholic or Christian and had a very different idea of Christ, religion, and the afterlife. Obviously, through my awakenings and evolution this perception of myself and my reality changed drastically. However, it was not an overnight change. In fact, there was a time on my journey where I clung to the words of Jesus and the Gospels to help show me the way to live my life. The being Yeshua, the man who we labeled Christ on Earth was with me the night my light body and physical body were merged for my ascension to begin. Christianity was the underlying story that always played in the background of my journey. However, around December of 2018, I let go of the Bible, spirituality, even the light and dark as two separate entities and proceeded into a new phase of my ascension. Looking back with the eyes of experience, I can see now that when I let go of Christianity as religion, I never truly brought it into oneness with my being.

Ay, there’s the rub! Of course, this was part of my experience and it was not time to fully transcend Christianity. How could I? The best of my journey was yet to come and for that I needed to have a Christos and a Sophia and Child! I needed a Trinity! I still needed to play within the realms of duality and be part of the story, not the Creator of the story itself. And the time from December 2018 until December 2024 has been a glorious time. Fully embodying the Mother God, Sophia (2019), then going through the Sacred Marriage of the Sophia and Christos forces of the Trinity (2021). Finally, culminating with the embodiment of the Trinity as the Divine Child, Sovereign Creator, in September of 2024. This time has seen some of the most blissful and soaring heights of experience and also has been some of the most challenging parts of my life. I can see now that I traded the one-sided story of religion and its view of Christ, for a higher version of the same story that was a more balanced representation of the Trinity. In truth it was just a higher version of the same story and one that we collectively will need to traverse as well if we are ever to transcend the story of Christianity.

Which leads me to now, in October I began a program at an Italian university. I did not really have any expectations from the program except to learn Italian and perhaps a little more about Italian history. My mind has gone through four major reincarnations of consciousness in the past seven years and one at the time of my original physical birth into this body. This is a complete change of identity and the light program that governs our life. Reincarnation within the same human body has not been possible until recent years. There is a wave of pioneer beings here now that are experiencing this and as a result are bringing the wisdom and understanding of this to humanity. Just as consciousness has always done throughout human history when it was time for an evolutionary jump in our collective consciousness. Previously, reincarnation has only happened to humans when they physically die and the consciousness is reincarnated into a new human brain and body. A true reincarnation of consciousness within a living human body is a tremendously life altering experience that requires the brain to undergo a massive purification and release of memory and a complete rewiring process. There are days afterward when you don’t quite recognize yourself in the mirror. Basically, the old life is gone and you begin a new one with the same brain, body, and core programs so you do not have to “grow” up again. Reincarnation in this capacity allows for a quantum experience of reality versus the linear experience that humans have always known. Eventually, on this planet it will be the natural way to evolve consciousness without the physical death experience that we currently use for reincarnation as Divine Beings.

But I digress, the point being, that my mind has changed significantly from the process of physical body ascension. Not only do I think and perceive the world drastically differently than I did before my ascension but I also forgot a lot of things that I may have learned or known in the past. Returning to school to learn about the Medieval and Renaissance period of Italian history has reawakened within me flashes of memory, perceptions of human history and particularly the formation of the Christian Religion and church. All of this has bumped up against core programming and created resistance to my reality. When we are in resistance to our reality we are separate from it and from all of Creation. It is an awful way to experience life and creates a tremendous amount of suffering for our self. It is what we call hell. I created resistance in my reality by feeling aversion to the entire story of the Fathers of the Church, the whole masculine Western expansion of consciousness without the feminine influence. I felt that if I studied this then I was somehow not honoring the feminine aspect of Creation or it would over power my will and silence the feminine within me. The separate self, dormant programming, of human masculine and feminine power struggles was triggered and in consequence, my perception of reality became separated. These are only perceptions that can be experienced by the separate self when it has identified with an identity and/or story versus the absolute truth of itself as Pure Consciousness as the observer or Creator of the story.

The entire idea that the feminine was missing from this reality was an illusion. She could never be absent because she is the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things (Lao Tzu). The mother, Sophia, is always present because reality is born from her infinite wisdom/womb. What I failed to recognize was that her presence is present only veiled in Western Civilization versus being more integrated in the Eastern religions, philosophies, and cultures. This was needed for humanity to have the experience of separation that has allowed the program of Christianity to play out and evolve the masculine force of our collective consciousness. The feminine is the mystery in Christianity and in time the mystery will be revealed. But this can only happen when the story comes to completion and the storyteller can weave together the threads of our human tapestry through the arts that have always reflected our feminine Divine essence. Poetry, prose, painting, sculpture, music, dance, etc. Connecting the ancient age, medieval age, the modern age, and a new age through the continuation of the story. The story cannot be told nor brought into oneness within or without when there is resistance to parts of it. Therefore, we understand that transcendence is necessary if we are to be the living bridge that connects one world with the other into ONE.

Dormant programs of the power struggle between the feminine and masculine separate self were triggered within me these past few months. Immediately blocking the truth that radiates from my heart. It is an experience that I had to have in order to fully transcend my perceptions of the church, Christianity, Western Civilization, and the distorted idea of feminism in our current age. The Divine Child within me still identified with being a little girl who was told she could not do certain things in life because she was a girl. My Divine Child was clinging to the identity of the female and could not see that the Divine Child is beyond gender, beyond duality, beyond all stories. It is the Pure Force of Creation, unconditional love that radiates within the heart of all beings. Clinging to an identity left me dragged along by my reality; life was not going to stand still for me any longer. Finally, December arrived. The first couple of weeks were like a tempest, nature and man at odds with each other. My masculine and feminine energy fighting for dominance until finally love triumphed. In my physical reality, I was at the pilgrimage site in Loreto, Italy where the House of Mother Mary is enshrined within a church. There the wind howled, the rain poured, and the cold permeated the walls of my hotel room. The only thing I could do to stay warm was to put my body next to Christos all through the night, to merge the energy into ONE source of heat. Which shows that the only thing my energy could do to come into harmony was to accept the masculine force at the very core of my being where our Divine Child emanates and become one again. To embrace the totality of my being. There in the House of the Mother, the womb, I welcomed in the warming light of Christ, the Father, the church.

There where the House of Mary is enshrined and surrounded by the Church of Christ, the interdependent nature and Oneness of the two began to reawaken in my awareness. How could I ever let go of either of them? How could I ever let go of Christianity as if it were not a part of who I AM as Creation? How could I not see that if the Mother and Father stayed as ONE then the church could never have manifested upon this planet? Then we could not have had the collective experience of separation so that we could collectively experience unification; and finally, so that we can one day collectively experience the Oneness that truly exists beyond the story. Through my own resistance of the church, of the Fathers, of the story and expansion of Christianity as a religion and not as a Universal truth, I was blocking my own joy of the experience of being able to learn and understand how the story unfolded on Terra Nova from the perspective of the Father, or Christed Force.

Does it not deserve the same devotion and understanding that the Mother Force received from me? I spent years in the stillness of the Spirit, understanding and embodying the Sacred Mysteries of Creation and what it means to be Divine. Should I not devote that same fervor and energy to understanding and embodying how those mysteries created the human story and experience and the evolution of this force through the works of some of the greatest humans who ever lived? These are the questions and answers that brought about the experience of transcendence with Christianity and the entire expansion of Western consciousness. Not trying to change what was, what is, not being in resistance to it….but knowing 100% in my heart that Christianity, the church, the entire story of Western Civilization is my own Creation as the ONE Pure Consciousness that is ALL!

Letting go of Christianity and religion years ago, was only thrusting something away that I was not yet ready to make peace with. That I could not see and understand and bring into harmony within. It conflicted with the Spirit that was trying to make itself known within me and so I let it go and moved on. The term letting go in new age spirituality has a sort of negative connotation to it, implying that the letting go was an act of necessity to save one’s self. At certain points in our experience letting go is the proper thing to do and at others transcending that same experience is what we must do. Transcendence is a consequence of seeing our experience not as something negative that we must run away from but as a golden opportunity, a gift that allows us the opportunity for expansion. A gift that illuminates the places within where we still block the flow of pure love/consciousness/light from radiating into our reality.

Letting something go is like throwing something away as if it is no longer a part of who we are. It is unwanted. Yet, ANYTHING unwanted is a part of ourself that we still deny or do not want to accept. Yes, there are times when we are simply not ready to accept things and we must let go; but we should always do so with the understanding that it will come back around for us in some future experience. However, through transcendence, we do not throw away the experience as if it was negative or not a part of ourselves, something to be buried, forgotten, etc. Instead we honor the experience by allowing it to become a part of us through purifying our perception until we can see beyond the separation and know that it is a part of who we are as Creation itself. When we can come into a state of acceptance, our perception opens up to change, we can view the experience beyond the dualistic states of positive and negative, we can then absorb the experience into our being as a part of ourselves. Allowing it to expand and evolve our consciousness which then allows us to transcend the current reality as something separate, receiving a reality of oneness where this experience is concerned. Returning to the state of conscious observer rather than being pulled into the story itself.

Italy is the heart of Western Civilization, of the Western Church, and of a rich history both religious and secular. There is a plethora of knowledge awaiting my discovery if I open my heart to the entirety of Creation, Divine and Human. The past few months have forced me way beyond my comfort zone, outside the stillness of Creation and into the dance that moves life along. On this Epiphany, my heart is filled with the manifestation of a new reality ripening within. My mind’s awareness is illuminated with the first rays of what transcending my perceptions and perceiving it all from Oneness once again will bring forth. I now eagerly anticipate reading the words of Augustine or Aquinas, Ovid or Cicero, even smiling with an inner knowing that it is the Divine Light within me that wrote those words and created those stories. I am simply the continuation of the story, the awakened consciousness, the revelation in the flesh who will one day leave behind my own story for future generations of Divine Humans to read and discover. I am home again, in the peaceful serene heart of ONE and I am in gratitude for the power of transcendence.

In closing, I leave you with a verse from Lao Tzu written in the Tao Te Ching, number 10. It speaks of the subtle yet powerful feminine force of Creation that is always present. It is a reminder to myself and to all, that the feminine aspect need not fight for her place in the world, she does not need to scream to be heard, she has nothing to prove, for she is the Source of all that we see and experience in this world of form. In October when I reincarnated, this understanding was supplanted by an inferior feminine child that needed to have the experience of transcendence that is shared above by honoring the masculine force and its rightful place of power in the world and within my own heart.

May these words of the ancient sage water the seeds of consciousness within your own heart and light the way home.

Carrying body and soul as well as embracing the One,
Can you escape from the distinction?
Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be a Newborn baby?
Washing and cleansing the ultimate truth,
Can you be without scar?
Caring of all people and ruling the country,
Can you be in non-action?
As the gate of heaven opens and closes,
Can you act a female?
Having Insight and opening to all things,
Can you be ignorant?
Generating and nourishing the Ten Thousand Things,
Giving birth to and yet being not possessive of them,
Accomplishing and yet not boasting,
Leading and yet not dominating,
This is the Primal Virtue of the sage

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