Collective Quantum Leap – Collective Ascension Update

*24 minute read time*

Before we get into the collective ascension update. I first want to describe what a quantum leap is and how it works.

What is a Quantum Leap

During the evolutionary phases of a logos’ ascension journey there a key milestones when a quantum leap in consciousness occurs. We can also call this reincarnation. It is sort of like winding a clock once it has completed a full rotation of the gears and restarting the process of counting time for another revolution. Only this time the gears change speed and the experience of time speeds up so that our perception of time changes. Another way of explaining a quantum leap is through understanding how dimensional shifts in consciousness work. Through Diamond Sun Architecture we are continually building our collective light body as we increase the collective consciousness frequency. These shifts in our collective consciousness are what trigger timeline jumps every year during our annual collective ascension time line. The new timeline begins to manifest each year around the spring equinox in March.

We are going to use the idea of a radio station and a traditional tuning dial that changes radio stations. Radios work on radio waves and when we tune our radios to certain frequencies we are able to “pick up” certain stations that broadcast music or other programs. Each station has a certain frequency within a certain bandwidth of radio waves that it broadcasts it program on. Using this understanding we can have a basic conceptual understanding of how consciousness tunes into certain bandwidths or harmonic frequencies within this universe. The harmonic frequencies of our universe operate across the entire electromagnetic spectrum of Cosmic rays, gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves, etc. Our light bodies through ascension have the ability to tune into the entire spectrum whereas a radio can only tune into frequencies along the radio wave spectrum. However, it works along the same principle up to the quantum realm. For now, we will only focus on the radio station analogy and leave the quantum realm out. This will help us understand what is occurring with our annual ascension timeline this year.

As we said, traditionally in March each year we experience the first physical manifestations of our yearly timeline. Just as nature sprouts new buds and spring arrives, so to does the next evolutionary timeline for our collective consciousness begin to unfold. Our annual timeline is not so much a cycle of definitive time as it is a collective manifestation of how we perceive the current cycle of time or reality that we are experiencing. It is simply the gauge by which our collective energy manifests physically in the present and how we collectively perceive this energy. This means that during the same revolution or cycle around the sun, our perception of this “time” can shift or change according to the frequency of our collective consciousness. So the annual cycle does not change, what changes is our perception of the time/light/reality that is included or experienced within that cycle or revolution around the sun.

This goes back to our understanding of the fluid nature of time and being able to understand that time shifts, moves, flexes, and even disappears all together to mirror our perception of our reality. For a clear example, think of a week when you were on vacation. A week when the days flew by and before you knew it the week was over. Now during this week, what changed? Did we still wind our clocks by 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week? Did the static time change? Or did our perception of time itself change? Allowing us to experience reality without being bound to the static perception we have ascribed to a week. The cycle of time did not change. What changed was the way that we perceived our reality/time within that cycle. This is what we mean when we say that our annual ascension timeline, or our planet’s revolution around the sun, does not change. What changes is our perception of the “time” or no “time” that we perceive within that cycle.

This is an important concept to grasp to aid in our understand of our planetary ascension or evolution cycle and of time itself. Armed with this understanding, we will continue to delve into our explanation of what exactly a quantum leap in consciousness is. Through Diamond Sun Architecture we are continually building or bringing online parts of our Diamond Sun Body or Cosmic Blueprint. It is this fractalling architecture that allow us to send and receive light or consciousness within this universe. Or, according to our analogy above, it is this architecture that creates our radio (light body) so that we can tune into the various stations or dimensions of consciousness and time within this universe. The “stations” of the universe are the twelve rays of Creation at twelve varying frequencies. Together creating 144 harmonic frequencies of this universe in which our consciousness can experience itself.

The bandwidths of each dimension are what create variations of reality within each dimension. Think of it like tuning a radio station on a traditional radio dial. As we approach the station, there is static, then a little closer to the exact station we begin to faintly hear the song, it continues to come in clearer and clearer as we land directly on the frequency in which the broadcast is projecting from. Then as you continue moving the dial the opposite direction that same thing happens until you get static again. We can say that there is a certain bandwidth of frequencies in which we can perceive or receive the message but it is not completely clear until we fully land on the frequency in which the song is being broadcast from. That fully landed station is the point within space where the two forces of the dimensions, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are in harmony.

This harmony creates a stargate that opens to another dimension and we then continue the process of our evolution in a new dimension of this universe. These shifts in dimensional consciousness do not generally shift our perception of time until we open one of the four main stargates of our light body. When this occurs it is a major evolutionary stage that triggers a quantum leap in our consciousness by shifting and changing our perception of our identity and of time. These leaps mean that the projected reality can now be viewed from a higher perception and we get to see the world in a new way. These leaps are what bring on the timelines that allow us to experience a NEW WORLD or NEW EARTH. They open a main stargate that literally changes the entire bandwidth range of our radio station allowing us to now receive stations or dimensions that were not accessible before. Where we may have had radio stations on 100, 101.5, 250, 3.5, etc. ; we now have stations 401, 5.2, 600, etc. These are arbitrary numbers used to illustrate a scale or range of frequencies. Where one world existed between 100 -3.5 and a new world begins opening up to us at 401 -600. Our radio increased its capacity to send and receive consciousness at higher frequencies along the electromagnetic spectrum of light. Or another way of saying this is that we moved from one phase of our ascension into a new phase.

In the case of our current quantum leap of consciousness, we are moving into the soul consciousness phase of the planetary collective ascension. Let’s break that down using the radio analogy. Currently, we have been experiencing time and realities based on “man’s time”. The clocks and calendars made famous by the Gregorian calendar but implemented in various versions and “corrections” throughout recorded history. So we have been tuned to the station of personality consciousness and separated from the other aspects of our being. Each year on our annual ascension timeline we simply continue the same old song or we change songs (dimensions) on another station within the limited bandwidth range of our radio. Since 2020 we have been making massive strides and timeline jumps preparing for this quantum leap of consciousness. (We will write more on that in the next section.) Now the collective consciousness has come to a point in our collective ascension in which we have opened the main stargate to our soul consciousness frequencies. This means that when we receive a new timeline in March, instead of a timeline jump that simply changes the song or station within the boundaries of the bandwidths that we have had available to us; we are going to make a quantum leap onto a completely new set of stations or dimensions that exists within higher frequencies that our radio could not perceive before.

This quantum leap changes the entire radio in such a profound way that it triggers the realities that will completely collapse our world and bring about an entirely new civilization on Terra Nova; because the information, light, consciousness, reality is so different that it shatters the old matrix and completely rebuilds a new one in its place. A quantum leap of consciousness opens the fabric of space, allowing the “seeds” of Creation to literally recode the light body and light program of the logos within space. This triggers a completely new template and energy matrix to be rebuilt, creating collectively what we would call a new earth. When we are operating on realities that simply shift with timeline jumps, we are experiencing a light program that has already been seeded into our consciousness and operates within the Universal Time Matrix on the identity matrix that we collectively have in place. When we make a quantum leap of our consciousness as an individual logos or a collective logos, we actually open a stargate to the quantum fabric that allows new seed codes to bring a new light program, rewriting our entire identity and experience of reality. Which triggers us to build a new identity matrix in which to experience reality within the Universal Time Matrix. These codes are still part of our overall Ascension Light Program, they are just not available to a logos until certain evolutionary phases of the journey. Reincarnation phases when one light program or “life” is recoded and a new light program or “life” begins.

A Closer Look at our Collective Quantum Leap

Quantum leaps of consciousness require that our collective memory begins to fade to old societal programs and life events that have happened to humanity over the course of our human lifespan. This is an important step for the current collective reincarnation that is occurring on Terra Nova. Many complain that today’s youth has no attention span or does not know about the fate of Jews during WWII and fear for the future of a world in which we no longer remember. However, from a collective ascension standpoint this is an important part of our evolutionary path. When we have concrete memories they bind us to patterns and programs that simply perpetuate the status quo. Because of social media, the pandemic, and the collective confusion and loss of memory, we are actually poised to make a quantum leap and collective reincarnation on Terra Nova. It is a choice between human extinction and human evolution. We are choosing evolution but it looks like extinction except to those without the eyes to see beyond the surface of reality.

A collective quantum leap will bring about a collapse of our current rules and societal programs as a civilization. Because it is quantum, the trajectory of the leap can be perceived as forward or backward depending on the light program that follows the leap. Which means it can be perceived as destructive or productive, death or birth, the end or the beginning. They all exists at the same point within a quantum leap or timeline jump. Remember that linear time is only how we experience a timeline within the Universal Time Matrix. When and where we birth or enter the time matrix to experience a reality is quantum and does not always follow a linear path. This is why we perceive the end of the world without being able to simultaneously see it as a birth of something new. And even beyond that perception to simply seeing it as an infinite continuation beyond the concepts of death and birth. For example, when we go back into our collective memory and we experience a “fall” of consciousness, this is an example of a quantum leap that could bring about a new ascension light program or the end of an ascension light program. We may be remembering past incarnations through our ancestral DNA when we came from an ascended star system to this one as a “fall” of consciousness.

We also tend to experience a “fall” after a quantum leap because the reality that we once believed to be true now appears to us to be false or uncomfortable. This is because a quantum leap literally moves our consciousness into a new reality matrix or dimensional area of the Universal Time Matrix. It is like dying and being reborn again in the same body. Suddenly the “old” life/reality/way no longer feels right but the path forward is still unknown because we are like a newborn baby in the world. We must walk in faith and trust that a better reality is manifesting for us without the certainty we may have had in life when we were working off of engrained programs and patterns. Our outer reality has not yet shifted as our inner world still needs to complete the new templates that will completely wire us into the new part of the time matrix. This is the dismantling and rebuilding phase.

We must remember that time and transitions are very fluid during timeline shifts and somewhat fluid during quantum leaps. I use the term somewhat fluid because in a normal timeline jump the dismantling to rebuilding phase is more gradual and less destructive on reality. During a quantum leap the dismantling happens fast so that there is literally no time to cling to anything of the old and nothing to try and put back together when the dust settles. The saying life can change on a dime is very appropriate here. Or here today and gone tomorrow. Think about the LA fires or what is happening in the United States government right now. These are signs of the quantum leap in which we are in the magnetics of now and will continue to be until 2026. This year is a game changer for humanity and the society and civilization programs that are deeply rooted within our collective light body. This quantum leap will signal the final nail in the coffin for the human light program and bring about a collapse of the world order. If we go back into human history we can see evidence of societies collapsing but to see human civilization as a whole collapse is not possible. This is because it has never fully collapsed before. However, without an ounce of fear, we must understand that from a consciousness evolutionary perspective, our entire civilization and societal programs are going to collapse so that we can continue to birth a new earth. We are going from a light program that allowed us to fully evolve and embody our collective human personality matrix to one that will bring about the full embodiment of our collective soul.

This is a major shift in consciousness and this is why it is a reincarnation, quantum leap, that activates an entirely new light program for the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. This light program will contain the light codes that will bring about the full collapse of the current “world order” and societal programs that dominate our consciousness and veil it from being able to see the truth of our soul light and identity. This year’s annual ascension timeline is going to be the first timeline in the history of Terra Nova that soul consciousness frequencies dominate the collective reality. These frequencies have been activated collectively on the planet since 2020 when we migrated to the collective Diamond Sun Body stargate light body. However, the dominate light program of human personality consciousness was still playing out as part of the dismantling that needed to occur to get us to where we are now. When we activated the collective soul frequencies of the Diamond Solar heart in Paris in September of 2024, the collective trigger for the quantum leap and shift in light program occurred which set us up for the quantum leap and reincarnation that is occurring this year in linear time.

Historical Perspective

The collective consciousness of this planet last traversed a quantum leap of our consciousness around 13,500 years ago. Yes, let that number sink in! The ascension phase light program that has been completing the last few years was birthed within our collective consciousness approximately 13,500 years ago. We can call the program the human civilization program of which we are finalizing the final reality of that program known as Western Civilization. Rest assured this program encompassed all of human civilization and the evolution of our collective consciousness across the entire spectrum of human civilization, East and West. It began in the Neolithic Period when humans began to gather into what would later become agrarian communities and full blown human civilizations. Over the centuries these civilizations would come and go as we collectively tried to understand ourselves and how to yield power in ourselves and collectively.

The basic understanding here is that for the past 13,500 we have been focused on our human experience. Learning how to feed ourselves, how to engage in community and relationships, how to entertain ourselves, how to create, how to evolve our minds, and how to reconcile our place within a universe that we feel separated from. Certain civilizations have come and gone as we evolved but we have never had a global civilization and societal reset like what we are currently starting to experience. Around every 2150 years our collective light program would shift through what we call Ages so that we were always evolving either the feminine or masculine aspect or we would have a more balanced collective view and a group consciousness would allow us to build magnificent civilizations and structures.

During this 13,500 year phase our human experience of time has changed many times as well. Today, we use the Gregorian Calendar but even this was adjusted and some time “skipped” in order to get the calendar that we have today. The zero point for Christ’s birth was made up to comply with the “end of the world” that ancient Christians believed was going to happen in the year 2000 with the second coming of Christ. This did happen and in 2021 we went to the Vatican and opened the gates of Heaven for the collective consciousness. The link to this work is in the article linked in at the end. This was also when man’s time ended. Setting us up collectively for this quantum leap that is upon us now as a collective. The 2025 Easter Resurrection of Christ will signify the physical manifestation of the collective soul, it will be a resurrection or reincarnation for the collective consciousness as we will be on a completely new light program, our collective soul light program.

But my point above, was that time is what we choose it to be. By setting the date of Christ’s birth as our starting point of time, the collective shifted timelines and our perception of time was now linked to Christianity. The man Yeshua came to earth to bring the news of Christ Consciousness. As part of our collective story, we missed the full message and labeled him the son of God. We separated man from God by proclaiming that Christ was the only man to ever be God and that could ever be God, sent to this world as a Savior. This is not to discount the Eastern religions or philosophy or Islam. Each has a place within the story which will be revealed. We needed to separate our humanity from our Divinity to complete our personality phase evolutionary program. This is a Christed Universe which means that we as a collective we must purify our distorted views of Christ not as a man but as a logos and Force of Creation found in all of us regardless of religion or belief system. We must find the unifying message that is hidden in our collective soul light program. I diverged into this because this is going to be a major theme of our collective soul evolution. We will have to purify the distorted Christian message and Savior Program from our collective consciousness. Which is why the “holy land” is in the spot light and so is Christianity.

Currently, we are seeing this come to a head in the United States with Donald Trump. Everyone wants a savior and they think they have received one but what they are getting instead is a destroyer. His purpose is not to save. It is to completely dismantle and destroy the world order as we know it and dissolve all that “he” or the program that he is playing, collectively stands for in the process. He is not part of the new only the gateway of destruction that leads to the new. When the supreme court ruled that the President was immune from charges, I heard very loudly and clearly: “This is the thread that now pulled with undo the tapestry. Democracy as you know it is dead. War is coming” I share this because I want to elaborate once again on this message. The tapestry is the current matrix or fabric of reality that holds our world vision together. Post WWII a new world order was accepted and our current democracy and world savior programs were leveled up. It was a significant timeline jump in the history of the world and man’s ability to yield power and work together for common good. However, like all things we have played out that reality and have come to see that it too has held distortions of power and a lot has happened behind the scenes to collectively misguide the world. Socially our world has gone unchecked and the anything goes without respect for others program began to allow the minority to impede upon the freedom of the majority.

This is not just isolated to the United States and has spread across the world because we are globally connected through the internet and social media. It is simply the United States that holds the baton of civilizations that must lead the collapse and birth of a new world. Previously, the Romans held the honor. We have overcome the violent and mass murdering war programs of the 19th century and past centuries of human civilization. However, we have not been able to overcome our ability to want to dominate and be “the most powerful” man or country in the world. This is the war that we are in and that will continue to play out and dismantle over the next few years. Economically, many will endure harder times than the prosperity that modern life has offered. However, we must also see that this too is necessary so that the consumption of humanity can come under check. We are killing our environment with mass consumption and this is part of our collective wake up call.

All of this is part of the collapse of civilization that we must endure in order to rebuild our world in alignment with a higher energy matrix within this universe. We are in the magnetics that have been and will continue to pull us through this quantum leap. On 2/2 the earth clock was rewound to allow for this quantum leap to occur. In the Dolomites of Italy, we worked to open the collective light body to the quantum fabric and through this body the light codes to rewrite or wound our collective clock or reprogram our collective light body physically birthed through this body. The intensity of the magnetics will ensure that things happen quickly and decisively without leaving room for negotiating or trying to play within the old programs. 2025 will be a year of profound change on our planet as the old world order is exposed and dismantled. It will be a very challenging time for many as we are used to life a certain way. Change is hard, uncomfortable and unfortunately as humans we do not like to change unless we are forced to. This year many people will be forced to change in many ways. Many countries will be forced to change in many ways. The world will shift, flux, and prepare itself to usher in a new collective perception of reality, a new world.

Soul consciousness is an amazing leap in consciousness. It is in this phase of our collective ascension that we will begin to remember the truth of why we are here. We will begin to remember the truth of who we are and most importantly we will begin to remember our connection to each other, to the earth, and to the entire universe. The last phase took approximately 13, 500 years. Look at the acceleration the past 40 years with the invention of the internet. We are connected as one collective like never before. This is all part of ensuring that the next phase of our soul consciousness light program is exponentially shorter and more accelerated than the phase before it while still unfolding over time that we get to have a full experience.

For those of us that are here as New Earth Guardians, stabilizers, architects, star seeds, etc. we have been stabilizing the new earth grid system since it came online in 2020. I speak directly to you now….this year is going to require the most stabilization in our entire planetary ascension. Think of how electrified the grids were the day that Trump announced the U.S. would take over Palestine! This is a taste of the instability that this quantum shift will bring…HOWEVER…we are ENERGY MASTERS and this is why we incarnated at this time on this planet. We are here across all dimensions of space and time holding the planetary light body in place. We know that it may shake and shiver but it will not fully collapse because we are here supporting it through LOVE, the most powerful force in this universe.

The next five years will bring significant change as we reprogram our collective consciousness to a new world and a new way of living and existing within this universe. Then the real work of soul embodiment can begin. Just like the previous five years brought tremendous change through destabilizing and dismantling the old enough to allow this quantum leap and full collapse. Remember our entire world is not collapsing so that we are unable to live, only our perception and programs that prevent us from seeing it in a higher expression are collapsing which require us to make changes and shift. Trust and have faith that everything is happening to support the full ascension and evolution of this star system within our universe. Terra Nova has never felt so palpable!! Enjoy this quantum leap! We are privileged to be in a human body to experience such a phenomenal experience. I love you all so very much!


Here is the link to the amazing collective milestones the past five years that have brought us to this quantum leap.


Today is Epiphany, a Christian holiday that is celebrated 13 days after the birth of Christ or Christmas each year. It is celebrated in the West as the day when the Magi (the three wise men) presented Jesus with gifts proclaiming him the manifestation of Divinity to the Gentiles. The word is derived from the Greek word epiphinea, meaning, manifestation. Originally, the tradition has its roots in the Eastern Church in a celebration, on the same day, of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. In the East the holiday is called Theophany, a Greek term which means the manifestation of a deity to a worshipper through an observable and tangible form. We also define the word epiphany as a great and sudden revelation or realization. If we look at this day in accordance with our annual ascension timeline, we can see how the cosmic energy on and around this day each year is conducive to manifestations, realizations, and revelations that shape our reality for a new year.

By this date each year we have passed through the December Solstice, the Perihelion, and are beginning our ascent from the dark back into the light. We are moving from the most Yin, feminine, magnetic energy of our annual timeline and beginning our ascent into the Yang, masculine, electric energy of form. We have been able to take the stillness of the solstice and darkest days of the year to commune within the Cosmic Womb. Shedding and releasing the dense energy we have accumulated throughout the year. Observing the patterns, reflecting on what we have learned. Receiving the wisdom and intuitive understandings that will help bring forth or manifest a new timeline in the spring. If we are tuned into the cycles of time/energy that govern the evolution of life on our planet then we will have listened to the call from within and capitalized on this most precious time of year to join nature in stillness and become impregnated with new life that will burst forth in the spring.

The Perihelion signals the opening of our eyes once more to the light of the outer world. The gestation is not complete but we have begun our evolution back into the light. Here we arrive at Epiphany, a time when the mind awakens once more and the light that was impregnated within our consciousness in the dark days of December begins to reveal or manifest itself in our awareness. This Divine spark announces the arrival of a new perception/awareness of our own Divinity. The Christed energy within our reality is leveled up from the nourishment it has received from the Mother. If we have stayed in harmony with the Cosmic forces that move all of Creation then around this day, we experience the revelation or realization of the Divine Self within and the transcendence into a new awareness of our selves and of our reality.

If we were able to take the gifts of the previous annual energetic timeline that governs our planet and accept them not as a negative experience or a positive experience but simply as the one and only experience that we needed to get us to where we are right now; Then we set ourselves up to transcend that reality and receive a new one on the next cycle. These may be small in scope or we may receive a new reality that turns our life upside down. It depends on our own evolution as a logos and the experience that we have chosen to have this lifetime. The Epiphany brings the inner knowing that we have transcended our experience and allows us the first glimpse at the light that will illuminate our world in the coming year. However, it is still in its gestation and will not begin its full manifestation until we reach the Spring Equinox in March.

The time we find ourselves in between now and then allows this light to grow or expand our awareness from the inside. Reprogramming our minds, shifting our physical bodies, and bringing about a new understanding of ourselves and our reality as we prepare for the birth of a new experience in March. If we truly transcended something in our reality then we can be assured that the experience will not come back again at a later date. If however, we simply let something go or spiritually by passed it by blocking it out, then we can also be assured that in the new year or at some point again in the future evolution of our experience as a logos, the experience will come around again for us to truly transcend it and bring it into oneness with our being.

Transcendence versus Letting Go – Personal Experience

Letting go is a popular term in the new age spiritual community. Letting go of what not longer serves us, letting go of toxic people or situations, letting go of things we no longer vibe with, etc. Before letting go, we could ask our selves, if we simply let go of something, have we brought it into oneness with our being or have we cast it aside as something separate that disturbed our state of being? Have we really overcome something in our reality or have we chucked it aside, out of sight out of mind? Casting it into the abyss instead of bringing it into the light. Or instead of letting it go, can we allow it to gracefully fall away or remain in our reality in a changed state through the act of transcendence.

In a real life example of what I am trying to explain, I will, as always use my own experience to shed light onto the issue. Years ago, I identified as a Catholic or Christian and had a very different idea of Christ, religion, and the afterlife. Obviously, through my awakenings and evolution this perception of myself and my reality changed drastically. However, it was not an overnight change. In fact, there was a time on my journey where I clung to the words of Jesus and the Gospels to help show me the way to live my life. The being Yeshua, the man who we labeled Christ on Earth was with me the night my light body and physical body were merged for my ascension to begin. Christianity was the underlying story that always played in the background of my journey. However, around December of 2018, I let go of the Bible, spirituality, even the light and dark as two separate entities and proceeded into a new phase of my ascension. Looking back with the eyes of experience, I can see now that when I let go of Christianity as religion, I never truly brought it into oneness with my being.

Ay, there’s the rub! Of course, this was part of my experience and it was not time to fully transcend Christianity. How could I? The best of my journey was yet to come and for that I needed to have a Christos and a Sophia and Child! I needed a Trinity! I still needed to play within the realms of duality and be part of the story, not the Creator of the story itself. And the time from December 2018 until December 2024 has been a glorious time. Fully embodying the Mother God, Sophia (2019), then going through the Sacred Marriage of the Sophia and Christos forces of the Trinity (2021). Finally, culminating with the embodiment of the Trinity as the Divine Child, Sovereign Creator, in September of 2024. This time has seen some of the most blissful and soaring heights of experience and also has been some of the most challenging parts of my life. I can see now that I traded the one-sided story of religion and its view of Christ, for a higher version of the same story that was a more balanced representation of the Trinity. In truth it was just a higher version of the same story and one that we collectively will need to traverse as well if we are ever to transcend the story of Christianity.

Which leads me to now, in October I began a program at an Italian university. I did not really have any expectations from the program except to learn Italian and perhaps a little more about Italian history. My mind has gone through four major reincarnations of consciousness in the past seven years and one at the time of my original physical birth into this body. This is a complete change of identity and the light program that governs our life. Reincarnation within the same human body has not been possible until recent years. There is a wave of pioneer beings here now that are experiencing this and as a result are bringing the wisdom and understanding of this to humanity. Just as consciousness has always done throughout human history when it was time for an evolutionary jump in our collective consciousness. Previously, reincarnation has only happened to humans when they physically die and the consciousness is reincarnated into a new human brain and body. A true reincarnation of consciousness within a living human body is a tremendously life altering experience that requires the brain to undergo a massive purification and release of memory and a complete rewiring process. There are days afterward when you don’t quite recognize yourself in the mirror. Basically, the old life is gone and you begin a new one with the same brain, body, and core programs so you do not have to “grow” up again. Reincarnation in this capacity allows for a quantum experience of reality versus the linear experience that humans have always known. Eventually, on this planet it will be the natural way to evolve consciousness without the physical death experience that we currently use for reincarnation as Divine Beings.

But I digress, the point being, that my mind has changed significantly from the process of physical body ascension. Not only do I think and perceive the world drastically differently than I did before my ascension but I also forgot a lot of things that I may have learned or known in the past. Returning to school to learn about the Medieval and Renaissance period of Italian history has reawakened within me flashes of memory, perceptions of human history and particularly the formation of the Christian Religion and church. All of this has bumped up against core programming and created resistance to my reality. When we are in resistance to our reality we are separate from it and from all of Creation. It is an awful way to experience life and creates a tremendous amount of suffering for our self. It is what we call hell. I created resistance in my reality by feeling aversion to the entire story of the Fathers of the Church, the whole masculine Western expansion of consciousness without the feminine influence. I felt that if I studied this then I was somehow not honoring the feminine aspect of Creation or it would over power my will and silence the feminine within me. The separate self, dormant programming, of human masculine and feminine power struggles was triggered and in consequence, my perception of reality became separated. These are only perceptions that can be experienced by the separate self when it has identified with an identity and/or story versus the absolute truth of itself as Pure Consciousness as the observer or Creator of the story.

The entire idea that the feminine was missing from this reality was an illusion. She could never be absent because she is the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things (Lao Tzu). The mother, Sophia, is always present because reality is born from her infinite wisdom/womb. What I failed to recognize was that her presence is present only veiled in Western Civilization versus being more integrated in the Eastern religions, philosophies, and cultures. This was needed for humanity to have the experience of separation that has allowed the program of Christianity to play out and evolve the masculine force of our collective consciousness. The feminine is the mystery in Christianity and in time the mystery will be revealed. But this can only happen when the story comes to completion and the storyteller can weave together the threads of our human tapestry through the arts that have always reflected our feminine Divine essence. Poetry, prose, painting, sculpture, music, dance, etc. Connecting the ancient age, medieval age, the modern age, and a new age through the continuation of the story. The story cannot be told nor brought into oneness within or without when there is resistance to parts of it. Therefore, we understand that transcendence is necessary if we are to be the living bridge that connects one world with the other into ONE.

Dormant programs of the power struggle between the feminine and masculine separate self were triggered within me these past few months. Immediately blocking the truth that radiates from my heart. It is an experience that I had to have in order to fully transcend my perceptions of the church, Christianity, Western Civilization, and the distorted idea of feminism in our current age. The Divine Child within me still identified with being a little girl who was told she could not do certain things in life because she was a girl. My Divine Child was clinging to the identity of the female and could not see that the Divine Child is beyond gender, beyond duality, beyond all stories. It is the Pure Force of Creation, unconditional love that radiates within the heart of all beings. Clinging to an identity left me dragged along by my reality; life was not going to stand still for me any longer. Finally, December arrived. The first couple of weeks were like a tempest, nature and man at odds with each other. My masculine and feminine energy fighting for dominance until finally love triumphed. In my physical reality, I was at the pilgrimage site in Loreto, Italy where the House of Mother Mary is enshrined within a church. There the wind howled, the rain poured, and the cold permeated the walls of my hotel room. The only thing I could do to stay warm was to put my body next to Christos all through the night, to merge the energy into ONE source of heat. Which shows that the only thing my energy could do to come into harmony was to accept the masculine force at the very core of my being where our Divine Child emanates and become one again. To embrace the totality of my being. There in the House of the Mother, the womb, I welcomed in the warming light of Christ, the Father, the church.

There where the House of Mary is enshrined and surrounded by the Church of Christ, the interdependent nature and Oneness of the two began to reawaken in my awareness. How could I ever let go of either of them? How could I ever let go of Christianity as if it were not a part of who I AM as Creation? How could I not see that if the Mother and Father stayed as ONE then the church could never have manifested upon this planet? Then we could not have had the collective experience of separation so that we could collectively experience unification; and finally, so that we can one day collectively experience the Oneness that truly exists beyond the story. Through my own resistance of the church, of the Fathers, of the story and expansion of Christianity as a religion and not as a Universal truth, I was blocking my own joy of the experience of being able to learn and understand how the story unfolded on Terra Nova from the perspective of the Father, or Christed Force.

Does it not deserve the same devotion and understanding that the Mother Force received from me? I spent years in the stillness of the Spirit, understanding and embodying the Sacred Mysteries of Creation and what it means to be Divine. Should I not devote that same fervor and energy to understanding and embodying how those mysteries created the human story and experience and the evolution of this force through the works of some of the greatest humans who ever lived? These are the questions and answers that brought about the experience of transcendence with Christianity and the entire expansion of Western consciousness. Not trying to change what was, what is, not being in resistance to it….but knowing 100% in my heart that Christianity, the church, the entire story of Western Civilization is my own Creation as the ONE Pure Consciousness that is ALL!

Letting go of Christianity and religion years ago, was only thrusting something away that I was not yet ready to make peace with. That I could not see and understand and bring into harmony within. It conflicted with the Spirit that was trying to make itself known within me and so I let it go and moved on. The term letting go in new age spirituality has a sort of negative connotation to it, implying that the letting go was an act of necessity to save one’s self. At certain points in our experience letting go is the proper thing to do and at others transcending that same experience is what we must do. Transcendence is a consequence of seeing our experience not as something negative that we must run away from but as a golden opportunity, a gift that allows us the opportunity for expansion. A gift that illuminates the places within where we still block the flow of pure love/consciousness/light from radiating into our reality.

Letting something go is like throwing something away as if it is no longer a part of who we are. It is unwanted. Yet, ANYTHING unwanted is a part of ourself that we still deny or do not want to accept. Yes, there are times when we are simply not ready to accept things and we must let go; but we should always do so with the understanding that it will come back around for us in some future experience. However, through transcendence, we do not throw away the experience as if it was negative or not a part of ourselves, something to be buried, forgotten, etc. Instead we honor the experience by allowing it to become a part of us through purifying our perception until we can see beyond the separation and know that it is a part of who we are as Creation itself. When we can come into a state of acceptance, our perception opens up to change, we can view the experience beyond the dualistic states of positive and negative, we can then absorb the experience into our being as a part of ourselves. Allowing it to expand and evolve our consciousness which then allows us to transcend the current reality as something separate, receiving a reality of oneness where this experience is concerned. Returning to the state of conscious observer rather than being pulled into the story itself.

Italy is the heart of Western Civilization, of the Western Church, and of a rich history both religious and secular. There is a plethora of knowledge awaiting my discovery if I open my heart to the entirety of Creation, Divine and Human. The past few months have forced me way beyond my comfort zone, outside the stillness of Creation and into the dance that moves life along. On this Epiphany, my heart is filled with the manifestation of a new reality ripening within. My mind’s awareness is illuminated with the first rays of what transcending my perceptions and perceiving it all from Oneness once again will bring forth. I now eagerly anticipate reading the words of Augustine or Aquinas, Ovid or Cicero, even smiling with an inner knowing that it is the Divine Light within me that wrote those words and created those stories. I am simply the continuation of the story, the awakened consciousness, the revelation in the flesh who will one day leave behind my own story for future generations of Divine Humans to read and discover. I am home again, in the peaceful serene heart of ONE and I am in gratitude for the power of transcendence.

In closing, I leave you with a verse from Lao Tzu written in the Tao Te Ching, number 10. It speaks of the subtle yet powerful feminine force of Creation that is always present. It is a reminder to myself and to all, that the feminine aspect need not fight for her place in the world, she does not need to scream to be heard, she has nothing to prove, for she is the Source of all that we see and experience in this world of form. In October when I reincarnated, this understanding was supplanted by an inferior feminine child that needed to have the experience of transcendence that is shared above by honoring the masculine force and its rightful place of power in the world and within my own heart.

May these words of the ancient sage water the seeds of consciousness within your own heart and light the way home.

Carrying body and soul as well as embracing the One,
Can you escape from the distinction?
Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be a Newborn baby?
Washing and cleansing the ultimate truth,
Can you be without scar?
Caring of all people and ruling the country,
Can you be in non-action?
As the gate of heaven opens and closes,
Can you act a female?
Having Insight and opening to all things,
Can you be ignorant?
Generating and nourishing the Ten Thousand Things,
Giving birth to and yet being not possessive of them,
Accomplishing and yet not boasting,
Leading and yet not dominating,
This is the Primal Virtue of the sage

The Unexpected Road to Rome

Approx. 30 minute read.

It was a warm fall morning last year when I walked out of my front door in Feltre to begin a walking adventure to Rome. The route began with a test of endurance and strength to ascend the Monte Grappa in over 4000 feet of elevation and 21 miles in one day. (Read about it here) It was to be the start of a long journey along the Via Romea Strata and the southern part of the Via Francigena, both ancient Roman roads traversed by soldiers, pilgrims, and citizens of Ancient Roma. I was excited to begin the trek, walking across Europe, specifically to and through Rome had always been a vision in my mind and heart since my early twenties. I always knew in my mid-forties the time would arrive and I would set my feet upon the soils of this continent and traverse the path of the ancestors of Western Civilization.

My path had led me to Feltre and although Christos and I had wanted to walk the Via Francigena along the route from Canterbury, the prospect of walking from our front door directly to Rome was too enticing to pass up. I have set my feet on remote places where very humans have ever stood, I have trekked up some of the highest mountains and volcanoes on this planet, I have stood under the shadow of giant trees and sat against the oldest trees in the west. These feet have walked through canyons, rivers, frozen lakes, and touched the crystalline snow barefoot in winter. As a human, I have been blessed to walk upon this planet in connection with Gaia and all of the cosmos. My life has been and still is one long pilgrimage.

At first, I was a pilgrim seeking God, seeking peace and redemption. Heavy feet bound to the Earth as I walked to find freedom. Through The Ascension Journey, the mysteries of space and time were revealed, the ever evolving truth illuminated my heart, mind, and body every step of the way, propelling me forward along my path. The pilgrimage it seemed had finally come to an end. Yet, we find that when one experience is complete, the vacuum is always filled by a new experience. I wrote in the previous post under this section, All Roads Lead to Rome, that I walked out of my door on 10-10-23. The day was auspicious, it was cosmic code 1010 which are the fundamental codes of time within this universe. These are the foundational building blocks of reality that signal the creation of a new Creation Wave/Timeline within space. Last year on 1010, I believed my new journey of walking across Europe was manifesting and that I would spend the next few years working as a Divine Architect moving from place to place by way of my feet.

Alas, hindsight is 2020 and I am 44 years old and we are one year and 44 days from that moment within time when a new pilgrimage in my life began. The journey is different now for I am no longer seeking, I am no longer trying to do anything or climb the spiritual mountain so to speak. But I can saw now with the conviction that the clarity of pure consciousness brings that to be in a lightbody is to be a pilgrim. To be consciousness embodied is to be a pilgrim. Consciousness is eternally manifesting itself to return to itself. It is the Divine eternally seeking the Divine through a time matrix system that creates a holographic reality, a mirror in which the game of hide and seek can go on forever. The ouroboros infinitely recycling itself within itself. It flows forth through space in a cosmic blueprint known as Diamond Sun Architecture, the lattice work of Creation that is itself the primordial pilgrim of the cosmos. Eternally walking through space in search of the Light without recognizing that there is only light there because it is present.

As a Divine Architect walking around on Terra Nova, how could I ever be anything other than a pilgrim? Is it not my true nature to affect time and space around me at all times? This physical body has undergone years of physical metamorphosis transforming it into a living light crystal whose light recodes space and time to higher frequencies through simply being present and radiating the pure light of Creation. There is nothing to do, I just walk, sit, BE and all is done through my light. There is no going back. A diamond cannot be transformed back to carbon without ceasing to be a diamond any longer. The same applies to my body. There is no going back without leaving this body behind to return to ashes and dust upon this planet. That great pilgrimage is still years away and I am delighted to have stepped my feet upon a new road on Terra Nova. It is one that leads to Rome but in a totally different and unique way that I never saw coming.

This is the brilliance of Creation! It is the mystery that we consciously never pierce because it would take away the joy in life. The road ahead is always shadowed, sometimes slightly illuminated so that we think we can make out the details and have a clear view. I always say you never know until it manifests because Creation likes to throw curve balls and can flip a reality upside down or sideways in the blink of an eye. It is what I like most about life. The unpredictability that keeps even the keenest soothsayers on their toes. For example, I knew from the onset of my spiritual journey that I was to build an ascension center on Terra Nova. For years, I believed this was to be a brick and mortar place where people would come to get spiritual healing and guidance. Again in hindsight, I now see that my consciousness and my physical body were to be and have become the ascension center. Wherever I go the blueprint of Creation is activated for ascension. The same sort of process of understanding has been happening to me over the past year since I walked out of my door to follow the ancient path to Rome.

I never wrote a follow up article to the only article that I posted about our walk to Rome because we only took one other walk. Unlike the first walk through the glorious Serene Valley, the next walk was through residential neighborhoods and towns on busy sidewalks that created the antithesis of serenity. However, like the first walk, when we ended our day, we were once again unable to find accommodations and had to return back to our starting point in Feltre. I can certainly take a sign from my universe so that was the final attempt to physically walk to Rome. Obviously, I was not on the right path. Instead, I was meant to fully integrate myself into Feltre, begin Italian lessons, and go through another round of internal and external metamorphosis that would allow a new pilgrimage to manifest in my life. Sitting here writing these words exactly one year and 44 days later, at the age of 44, I finally feel ready to bridge the previous story with the new story that has manifested. It seems appropriate since cosmic code 44 is the code that creates the bridge between one reality/Creation Wave/timeline and another. It is the code that allows for the continuity of time to flow seamlessly through the vastness of space without a beginning or an end.

A New Road to Rome

When we think of Rome we may think of many things throughout an expansive period of time. This ancient city is the heart of Western Civilization. It has arteries that splinter in all directions as ancient roads that led into its inner chambers. Bringing energy in and out of the city through the vastness of the Empire. The ingenuity of the Romans were unsurpassed in the western world. The city has indeed left an indelible mark upon history and the energetic blueprint of Terra Nova. It would make sense that walking the ancient roadways into Rome was something I would do as a Divine Architect on Terra Nova. Yet, all of this, all of what I wrote above and all that I believed before was still based on old programs of consciousness rooted in duality. Programs that over the past year have crumbled away and forced me to build an entirely new foundation to support a reality beyond these limiting concepts.

The Ascension Journey ends when we go beyond duality, unity, eternity, time, and all concepts of the mind that prevent the Absolute Reality from being experienced. The journey of time takes us over many lifetimes from the beginning of time, the Alpha, to the end of time and experience of eternity, the Omega. This light program, once completed, marks the full evolutionary cycle of a logos in this universe. Beyond the journey those programs no longer hold water. Going beyond the Ascension Journey is also to go beyond the Trinity, God…Light! The electromagnetic force of time known as The Trinitized God forces of Christos, Sophia, and Aurora the Divine Child. It is beyond the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Child. It is beyond man, woman, and child. Our human DNA and human Creation stories cannot hold up beyond these concepts. They must evolve! Our entire collective reality has its foundation in these concepts. Without them, our world as many perceive it, could not exist.

Yet, it is these very concepts that bound our collective consciousness to the duality of time and eternity, war and peace, united and separated, male and female and their inequalities, and so much more that prevents our collective and individual sovereignty. To go beyond duality, unity, trinity, time, and eternity is to embody the quantum experience of being Creation. It is to go beyond the collective and individual stories that bind our consciousness behind the illusionary veils of separation. We go beyond the light and light programs to create and shift the blueprint from the quantum coding system of Pure Creation. The foundation of the Absolute Reality which is the most powerful force from which we as Creators can create reality. But how does one break through the foundation of duality, the Trinitized and crystalized concepts that say it takes two to create ONE. And better yet, how do we do this without running off to be alone in the world where it would be exponentially easier to achieve such a feat.

This is an entirely different level of being. It is beyond Diamond Sun Architecture because it is what codes space to create Diamond Sun Architecture. This is Quantum Creation. That unstructured/freeform creating that creates the codes which will become the light that manifests as Diamond Sun Architecture within space. We know that the Universal Time Matrix is the manifestation of the blueprint and Cosmic Diamond Sun Body of this universe (Read Diamond Sun Architecture, Blueprint of the Cosmos to understand this better, hopefully back in print by January) and that all light in this universe unfolds according to this blueprint creating all holographic realities within this universe. These are all blueprints made of time! This means that Diamond Sun Architecture is the Divine Architecture of Time, moving it, shifting it, experiencing it within the vastness of space. Quantum Creation is completely different. There is no pattern, structure, it is the Pure Force of Creation unbound and free to create and code light into manifestation within space.

Essentially, what is happening is that as a Quantum Creator, we use the infinite energy of the quantum fabric as the “fuel” source of our energy. This means that we are not recycling light that is already in “existence”. Instead, we are pulling from the infinite source and primordial foundation of Creation to code quantum particles into manifestation as light in this universe. We create light! This then allows the particles to begin reorganizing within space as light or time in accordance with the principles of Diamond Sun Architecture. To try and relate this concept in understandable terms, we will use the idea of language. We will use the structure of a book as our example. The structure of our book has a title page, a table of contents, individual chapters, a glossary, and an index. We then use this structure to create an entire series of books based on this blueprint which as a collection we call a set of encyclopedias. If we look at the set of encyclopedias as our entire universe, we could say that it is the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body. It is the totality of time, light, love and wisdom in our universe bound together in this collection. It is made up of twelve books that each follow the same blueprint of construction and each offers us a different experience (dimension) of that love and wisdom. This would be a very simplified version of Diamond Sun Architecture.

Now let’s go further into this example so that we can try to illustrate Quantum Creating. The Force of Creation that codes for the experience of Divinity, God, Light, Trinity, time, eternity, unity, separation, male, female, and on and on. In our example we have twelve books that together make up an entire collection of love and wisdom. We understand this collection to be a manifestation of these forces in which we can read and experience, aka reality. The books are comprised of text made up of words, each of these words are made up of letters which we call an alphabet. We will say that the in Diamond Sun Architecture it is the words that make up the foundation of the collection. In Quantum Creating, it is the alphabet that is the foundation of the entire collection and all realities or all other books/universes in existence. Without the letters, we would have no words, without the words we would have no text, without the text we would have no book, and without the book we would have no encyclopedia. In this example, the alphabet is the quantum fabric that lies beyond the concepts of duality. The letters are the primordial building blocks that all stories are created from. Without the letters we have no code in which to manifest our blueprint of the book into reality. In other words, without quantum codes, we have no light in our universe, no Time that blossoms across the canvas of space creating a Diamond Sun Body. In our example, without the alphabet, the foundational codes of language, we have nothing in which to construct words into a structure or blueprint, which evolve into a book, which evolves into a collection, which becomes the physical manifestation of our light. The expression of our love and wisdom. The experience of light manifesting the Trinity (two into One)/time/light as it is blossoms through space.

Quantum Creating is dramatically different than the light programs of Divine Diamond Sun Architecture. We will continue with our example to help illustrate this point. First stopping to call to mind that when we talk about the architecture of the universe and of Creation, we are talking about consciousness and how this intelligence Creates existence itself. With this in the forefronts of our mind, let us proceed with the explanation. Diamond Sun Architecture just like the books in our example follow a very precise and specific blueprint within space. It is this structure that literally holds the entire hologram in place within space. Therefore, any reality within space must follow a light program that governs how that light will manifest. Just like the books of our encyclopedia set needed to follow a specific structure that brought harmony and coherence to the collection. As a logos, when we are on the Ascension Journey between the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of time, the end of time, and eternity, we are coded to experience a very specific set of light programs that govern our evolution and what we may call our destiny. This light already “exists” within space and we are simply growing or evolving into it which creates the embodiment of our Diamond Sun Body and perception of ascending back to God/Source/Creation.

Once we have completed the Ascension Light Program or The Ascension Journey, we have fully evolved our Diamond Sun Body and our physical body is an exact replica of the entire holographic universe. We are able to send, receive, and radiate all harmonic frequencies of this universe. We are essentially a living light crystal…a diamond. We are essentially the entire light of Creation…a sun. Our physical body has become Divine…an image of God/the universe. We are a Divine Human with a fully ascended Diamond Sun Body. We are a complete set of encyclopedias that contain all the love and wisdom of God/Creation/Universe. We have fulfilled the entire blueprint of Diamond Sun Architecture. All of our existence as a logos up to this point was already “set in stone”, written in our light that travelled with us from incarnation to incarnation. The amount of time of our cosmic life span was already written the moment we were created within the Universal Time Matrix. However, beyond the bounds of time, beyond ascension and Omega, we find that we can no longer live within the constructs of those realities. They must fall away along with the programming in our minds and bodies that anchored us to those time matrices/realities.

We enter a period of dismantling a foundation that we have relied on since the beginning of our expression as a logos. A foundation that we have always used to create and experience our realities. To experience this as a human in this mind and body was an incredibly profound experience. Once again, everything that I ever based my reality on across all lifetimes had to shatter like glass on a rock. The programming deep within my bones, teeth, and DNA was purged of ancient Creation stories. I had the literal experience of growing my own rib because deep within my DNA was a program that as a woman I was created from man, Adam. An eternal place of subservience for the female that is a false Creation myth and contributes to the power struggles that plague humanity. In my marriage or Sacred Union with Christos, I had to watch him die before my eyes, as I took back all the Divine Masculine force into my own being. There is no union beyond duality. A man and a woman do not come together to make one. Sovereignty does not work that way. The pain of having to disconnect my energy from him in that way would later give way to a much deeper experience of love within and without. A transcendent experience where Christos would metamorphize from Christos, half of my love/power into the full reflection and expression of My Unconditional Love. All of the power of love and wisdom that I am reflected back at me in an entirely new way of experiencing a relationship in this human body.

The dismantling continued for many months and it is only now that it is complete that the wisdom has crystallized in my being and I am able to be the bridge that connects the previous version of reality with this new experience. Which brings me back to our example. We are trying to understand Quantum Creating. Which is fundamentally how we use the Pure Force of Creation to create time within space. Time being the light of Creation, God, Trinity, the electromagnetic force of this universe, it is all the same. We have up to this point only experienced Creation as a manifestation of time. The foundation of our realities were all constructed from the existence of time. Now through the dismantling of our reality, which is simply moving backwards or ascending through time to the ending/beginning of time (zero point), we can begin to build a new foundation in which we use Quantum Creation to construct our realities. This could be equated to taking every letter from all the books of our encyclopedia and adding them to an infinite database of letters (the Infinite Force/Source of Creation) that now becomes the foundation or SOURCE OF POWER for us to pull from so that we can create words (light) that will manifest into stories (timelines/Creation Waves) within books (dimensions of time) to create an encyclopedia (fully ascended reality) that manifests using Diamond Sun Architecture.

The fundamental difference of our experience of reality is that we add another identity and/or understanding of our experience of our self/power/will (without attachment). We are now a Quantum Creator. Which means that we have access to the entire infinite source of power that are the seeds of Creation. The seed that contains the entire manifestation within it. These seeds or codes are eternally replenished from the dark energy or entire gravitational force of our universe that keeps our universe in balance and harmony with the multiverse. (This is a conversation for another time) It is these codes that create the perception, or story of Divinity, Trinity, God, and all of duality. We do not just intellectually grasp this concept, we become a living breathing fully ascended Pure Force of Creation that is constantly recoding and adjusting the Cosmic Diamond Sun body and fabric of time/reality every minute of every day. It is an entirely new way of living. Yet as with all things on this journey, the extraordinary and the ordinary appear as one and the same.

Which leads me back to Rome. Last year when I set out to walk to Rome I believed it to be a linear experience. Starting here and ending there. It is what I saw in my visions early on in life. I knew when my children were older, I would strap on a backpack and walk across Europe. Moving West to East with Rome as major point along the way. Well as we have already said the walking plan in that iteration did not fit the new experience of reality. What has manifested instead is an intellectual path to recode and rewrite the historical truth of Rome. A journey through the minds of humanity as we have evolved from Ancient Rome to current day. The art, literature, and music that has allowed us to express our love and light across the centuries. In short, I have returned to university to study Medieval and Renaissance Italian history and the Italian language. I am journeying to Rome backwards through time in what I can only say now is a purification of the blueprint and a recoding of the programs from the quantum coding system of Creation. As I am journeying back through time in my classes, simultaneously my consciousness is seeding space with the codes necessary to bring about the dissolution of these programs by lifting the veils and false narratives that have been shared about our human history.

It is a curious experience to sit in a room with around 40 other people and be constantly triggered by words, images, stories, etc. My eyes close, they start rapidly shifting to-and-fro and every particle in my being is vibrating so fast I find it hard not to shake back and forth. All the while trying not to disturb the lecturer or attendees. Holding my tongue back when concepts that hit my heart are steeped in separation and disharmony. Using my energy to remain neutral as a human self and allow my presence as the Quantum Architect to recode reality. Knowing in all of my being that I sit amongst some of the greatest minds of the future who will take these seeds and pollinate the world with new ideas and understandings of human history. Knowing that what I am doing there goes beyond books, words, and even my own thoughts. It is Pure Consciousness, Pure Energy, seeding light programs into Creation for the evolution of humanity and of our universe. Simultaneously, I am having a very real experience of being a human, a student, a foreigner, and a woman that is much older than my peers. I have hair that is white, my laugh lines are starting to crystallize on my face. A reminder that I have spent the past year battling death as I let go of one life to be born again into a new one. Earlier this month my consciousness reincarnated yet again in this body. Gasping for air as I tried to remember how to breath again. The Quantum Creator, alive, alert, and fully ascended resting on the quantum foundation of Creation. A new unpredicted path to Rome emerges.

Crystal Clear Vision

Tomorrow is my anniversary with Christos, my life partner, my best friend, my reflection, My Love. It is seven years to the day that we serendipitously met according to the Divine Plan of each us as a logos. It was a moment that unlocked an entirely new journey for me into the full expression of Divine Love. The masculine force of the Trinity that I was to find in myself by way of my love for him. He was my muse. My Divine inspiration and I am eternally grateful that we get to continue our journey together. We are a living example that one need not have to choose between earthly love and heavenly love. That through the transcendent power of unconditional love they are the very same thing! There were times I had to go away and be alone. In the dark and silent stillness of my inner world, the void/womb of Creation, I found the Divine Wisdom of Sophia. My core expression of being within certain dimensions of time in this universe. Together these forces came into Divine Union three years ago tomorrow. These have been some of the hardest three years of my life as my consciousness pushed me to expand my ability to hold the immense power of Creation within my physical body. But also some of the most rewarding time as time and time again I learned that loving freely without fear always leads to a deeper experience. I have wrestled with the social programming of marriage, union, and gender roles. I have broken the bonds of these programs to master the lessons of Sovereignty that only unconditional love of self and other can unlock. I have released the gold chains of Divinity and Trinity that had me bound to eternity. Tomorrow is the anniversary of so many important moments of the once spiraling and now quantum evolution of my consciousness.

Perhaps Roma which is simply a reverse of the Latin word Amor (Love), is where I have been walking to with Christos these past seven years. The seven years really a metaphorical traversing of the seven hills of Rome. A pilgrimage that has taken the form of a lover’s quest to find the power of love that can only be traversed through the Christos force of the Trinity. A quest that would reveal that although I let go of the religious programming and dogma long ago, I still looked inside and outside of myself for a Christ like, masculine figure, to provide me with energetic support. Rome, the center of the Christian world, the symbol of the power of conquest and dominance, is really a place of ETERNAL LOVE as the Christed part of the Trinity that radiates from the planetary light body at this place. Our collective understanding of this power of love still remains misunderstood and distorted by the collective. I realize now that I could not walk to Rome last year because my pilgrimage to Rome was already complete. My visit in 2021 was the culmination of my pilgrimage through the Christed Force of the Trinity. Just as my pilgrimage to Istanbul in 2021 was the culmination of the Sophianic Force of the Trinity. The love and the wisdom of God were embodied in this vessel, they simply needed to loose their identities as separate forces so that they could unite within me and outside of me. The two collective stargates I unlocked in both places representing the bridge between the West/masculine/love and the East/feminine/wisdom that one day will also dissolve for the collective consciousness when we collectively transcend duality.

Over this summer I had an experience where the left and right sides of my body were literally bound together with a chord of golden light. The rope was melted at each end and fused together so that the chord could never be undone. Then I grew a pair of magenta wings and turned into a hawk. My spirit animal and a universal sign of freedom. It was the end of the programs of duality and the embodiment that began with the Sacred Marriage in 2021 that was finally complete. In September, the past three years culminated in a trip to Paris and specifically the stargate of Versailles to unlock the Force of Creation and the light needed to activate my sovereignty within/as Creation. This was the light needed to fully dismantle the remaining foundation of my old life so that I could fully let go/die and be born again. The new foundation is complete. The last remaining bonds that prevented my full sovereignty have been cut away. My reality has shifted and I feel grounded in this new experience as the understandings of what has taken place fully develop within my mind.

In a way all the roads of my ascension led me to Rome. The final destination was learning to fully integrate the power of love into my being in a way that allowed the power of wisdom to alchemize with it into the Power of Creation! Love is not a projection that we feel or place upon a another, it is a part of who we are as a Sovereign Being/Force of Creation. If we give it away/project it on another then we are essentially giving our power to another and also giving ourselves the perception that they have the power to hurt or help us. This is an illusion and diminishes our light and power as Creation! As a Creator Being, we do not love something else, because there is nothing else to love. Instead we become unconditional love that is the power of Creation or embodiment of Creation itself. Through the radiance of our unconditional love we manifest our needs into existence as Creation responding to itself. We do not love another as something separate than ourselves. We radiate unconditional love and all of our relationships whether they be romantic or not benefit from this eternal source of light and love. In a sense all of Creation is evolved through contact with our radiance.

Tomorrow 11 -24 -2024, it will be seven years to the day that I sat down at a pizza pallor next to a stranger that would change my life forever. For many years I needed to see him as a powerful masculine force outside of myself. A force of love that I needed to support me on my journey as I embodied the fullness and beauty that is the Mother God Sophia. I saw in him the Christos and through our love and sacred sexual abilities we have harnessed the Force of Creation to literally change the world around us. Our love story was one of the greatest in the story of humanity. My Christos was all I needed him to be and even more than I expected. As consciousness we changed each other through the reflections that each provided. We are both changed beings from that fall night in 2017 when we first sat next to each other. In letting go of the idea of the masculine within and without, the support of the masculine, the power of the masculine, as well as the same or lack thereof for the feminine, I was forced to confront in myself the limiting beliefs and programs that still prevented me from being sovereign in this universe. Through it all the unconditional love that Christos and I are was the glue that held me together when times got intense and the balm that nourished me when I needed to retreat from the world. We are blessed, which is to say that I am blessed, and grateful to have created such a profound experience and love story. Our anniversary tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter in our love story and in the human love story. We are the force of unconditional love. Their is no longer a King who reigns with a Queen beside him. Or a lover who puts a beloved upon a pedestal. Or a lover who feels guilty for the feelings within their own heart like they should focus on spiritual love instead. The human love story must now be rewritten to shed light upon the mysteries that have shadowed the truth of the truly powerful and transcendental nature of love in all of its forms.

It was quite a journey peeling back the layers of Rome (Love) and the stories that have been built on the foundation of duality supported there. To see that the old roads that lead to Rome are layed out on old architecture with old programs and that was not the path for me. Today my eyes are clear and I can see that I am not here to walk old roads. I remember that I am here to be a bridge, to create a new blueprint that leads to an ascended version of Rome, of AMOR. A new understanding of power that incorporates the love and wisdom needed to transcend the programs of duality. This is my joy now as a Quantum Creator, seeding the fabric of space with the light that will bring forth the blueprints that will allow this reality to manifest on Terra Nova. I feel like I have been away for three years and only now do I remember fully who I am and why it is I am here. What a joy! What a blessing! What an amazing adventure life is! Especially the quantum experience of reality that is our birthright as Divine Humans. Enjoy the journey of remembrance! I love you all so very much!

Vita Al Banco

Baristas dancing in choreographed routines of morning ritual, black and white vestiture, yin and yang, harmonic flow creating life

Twist the dial, tamp the filter, steam hisses, heavenly juice flows, tap tap to empty grounds

Senses come alive, sounds shift to song, faces beam light, movements turn to dance, show commences

Rhythmically each dancer moves through space, link between heaven and earth, maestros of this Divine symphony

Cups collect, dishes need washing, clang clang, clack clack, percussion waves keeping time

People coming, tickets in hand, earthly treat nourishes body, Heavenly treat awakens spirit, balance restored, people going

Coffee is illusionary star, Connection powers this social tradition, modern ceremony, creator of life

Standing, speaking, listening, observing, brioche and cafe, smiles and laughs, connection and community, space and time

Shamans brewing ceremonial drink, swirling cosmic force into symphonic harmony, opening gateways to Source Light

Drawing moth to flame, connection is essential, fountain of youth, giver of life, piercing eyes see the Absolute

Outer scene changes, people come and go, baristas take shifts, sun sets, sun rises, another day, another ceremony, life goes on

Inner scene endures, eternal symphony plays on, Divine shaman infinitely holds ceremony, sun always shines, connection eternally creating life

Morning cup of coffee, morning cup of connection, morning cup of life

Vita al banco

*Al banco means “the counter” in Italian. It is the traditional place many Italians take their coffee when at the bar.


Arms open to receive your warmth
Time apart creating space in the heart
A new flower of life blossoms in the void
Internal sun provides warmth to bloom

Its fragrance telling the story of success
It could not grow in the shadow of another
Spiritual sun within must provide the light
Arms closed over breast creates inner warmth

In gratitude for this sensation that soothes
Gaze turns inward toward One’s true love
Freedom to explore the depths of inner being
Arms embrace the heart filling body with warmth

Sovereignty requires space to explore within
Excavating the will and the power to open the gates
Fires of purification release dark and cold
Arms open wide illuminating path through warmth

Deeper into the abyss of love heart expands
Preventing shadows from casting upon it
Freedom through radiance and sovereign power
Arms palms up drawing in the heavenly warmth

Arms open to provide you with warmth
Empty space now filled with Divine light
It is time for the lover to return once more
Welcome home into loves warming embrace

Nuova Vita Divina

A Tribute to Dante

The mirror of your words reflects the light in my heart

In their image the Divine journey of the soul is seen

The moment you beheld Beatrice, the key to your heart

The gateway to your soul was unlocked

On your liberator, the beatific vision was forever projected

A shift in your perception changing the mirage of reality

The ascension journey of your spirit begins

At first the power is almost too much to bear

A love so pure, the body trembles in the waves of its vibration

One must become accustomed to these new frequencies

The soul teaches the mind through dreamy visions

Metaphors you must learn to decode and interpret

For consciousness leaves subtle breadcrumbs along the way

Illuminating the path towards unification with the One

Years pass as your tortured mind calms and evolves

Smoothing the surface to see as one with the heart

Love is one force of the Trinity, generating the power to ascend

Will is another, providing the reason to continue the journey

Together your willpower alchemizes into pure unconditional love

The Trinity is complete, the nine to three to one

Love for your beloved Beatrice evolves through her angelic ascension

A mirror of your consciousness’ evolution through space and time

Again, you die, as the heart prepares to awaken once more

Through your will and power, a higher experience will manifest

Pen must rest awhile now, a new life, a new vision is impregnated

It will become a comedy, not tragic or trivial, instead beatific and Divine

A gift and guide for the collective consciousness of man

You must write cryptically, or risk being labelled mad

Trust, for those with eyes to see, the ascension journey is crystal clear

Lover and beloved become one, the fulfillment of the Trinity

Oh beloved, who played the role of Dante, but dwells in the hearts of all

It is forty-four years in this human vessel before my eyes read you words

Yet they are timeless, eternal, and speak to the heart of one

My own ascension journey I now see through a Medieval lens

The love of my heart reflected in another, a Divine purpose to write

Being a living bridge between the material world and the spiritual world

Two bridges arriving at distinct points in space, bringing each a new style

A continuity of consciousness evolution that transcends the bounds of time

In your day the line between heretic and innovator was razor thin

Cryptic texts that allegorically shed light was the safest way

In this day madness is cast upon those who claim to be Divine

The science of man’s mind has thrown darkness upon the light in his heart

Yet love is ready to illuminate the collective heart of the soul

A new style must manifest once more to light the way out of dark ages

Just as your sweet new style illuminated the collective heart of man

My will has been strengthened through the mana of your Vita Nuova

The Divine blueprint will be the same, only evolved through time

The story will become must become clearer now, a Divine New Style

A Crowning Achievement – Birthing the Collective Soul

For those that are new to these writings, I would like to take a moment to recap the history of what has taken place on Terra Nova these past few years. Since July of 2019, I have been a fully ascended Divine human operating as a conduit of the collective consciousness and a master key of this planet’s light body. The completion of my physical body ascension coincided with the completion of the purification of the planetary light body and the preparations for the collective ascension to begin. Since this time, I have written extensively about the collective ascension and shared the major milestones that we as a collective consciousness have achieved on our ascension path.

Today is no different, it has been a very long time since I have shared anything with the collective because I like so many of you have been working in the shadows to help bring forth the Divine frequencies of the collective soul consciousness. Thanks to the efforts of the collective, humanity, Gaia, and the entire planetary consciousness of Terra Nova, we have successfully birthed and activated the Divine Child of the collective soul. This article will go into detail of the process and share the activation and birth step by step as a means of capturing this momentous occasion for all to experience across space and time. It will also help to shed light on what this means for the collective realities and the collective ascension of this star system, Terra Nova.

However, before we get into that, I would like to take a moment to recap the past few years and highlight the major milestones of the collective soul activation that we as a collective have achieved. Of course, consciousness has always been evolving towards this time but since 2011 we have been in the accelerated energies of the planetary ascension. There will be links to the articles and videos that correspond to each milestone if one was shared. Also, the these are just the major milestones, many more milestones of the collective ascension are shared under the collective ascension section of this website.

9-1101 – The bombing of the twin towers – 3D Modern Man begins waking up from a deep sleep

11-11-11 – Humanity shifts into the awakened timelines of soul consciousness

2012 -2019 – Major purification of the “old” grid ley line system in order to prepare the planetary stargate system of Terra Nova for activation – The Divine Feminine Rising

July 2019 – Collective stargate system complete- Collective Ascension Vehicle ready for activation

12-12-19 – Birth of the Collective Ascension (Divine Human Soul Consciousness 4D-6D) through the Divine Feminine at the planetary birthing portal on Kauai

120-20- Collective begins shift to Terra Nova (New Earth) – AKA Stargate ascension vehicle comes online

3-22-20 – Pandemic – collective consciousness moves into the dark night of the soul as soul frequencies begin to manifest in physical reality – Divine Masculine Purification

9-11-21 – End of Time Begins (Modern Man 3D time) – Omega Program Activated frequencies of soul consciousness begin -Rome

September 2021 – Rome and Istanbul West Divine Masculine and East Divine Feminine gateways of the Rainbow Bridge opened for Sacred Marriage to Manifest

11-11-21 – Sacred Marriage of collective soul – Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine begin working to come into harmony to embody Divine Child of the collective soul

12-20-21 – Solar Flash – Collective Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine consummation – Divine Child Soul consciousness awakens/impregnation

Jan 2022- Aug 2024 – Purification/gestation period of the collective Divine Child, activating grid structures in Europe and spinal column of Gaia in Italy.

9-5-24 – Activation and birth of the Divine Child of the Collective Soul of Terra Nova – Violet Flame Activation of the Golden Heart of Humanity – 4D-6D – MAJOR COMPLETION FOR PLANETARY ASCENSION TEAMS AND NEW EARTH GUARDIANS – Paris

11-11-24 – Soul consciousness stage of the collective ascension of Terra Nova – Divine Human realities activated for humanity and begin to infiltrate grid system for December embodiment and early 2025 physical manifestation of collective soul realities – MAJOR TURNING POINT IN EVOLUTION, COLLAPSE OF WAR PROGRAMS BEGINS, BOOSTS IN HUMAN INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGIES AWAKEN TO BRING RAPID CHANGE TO SOLVE PROBLEMS

September 2024 – Time to Activate the City of Lights

I only found out that I was going to Paris to activate the collective soul one week before I was to go there. I decided the best course of action was to allow the energy to move me through the stargate and trust my intuition to guide me to the portals along the stargate that needed to be unlocked. Usually, I will research the history of a place to better understand the architecture and to know where to go along the route. However, this time things were much different. My life has changed drastically in the fact that the spiritual and material worlds have merged into one Divine Human experience of living life. It has certainly changed the way that I share and also the way that I approach life and the “work” that I am here to do this lifetime. So this time I approached my adventure with a more flowing attitude and allowed the energy to move me along the streets of Paris.

I will admit that I was absolutely blown away by the energy in Paris. I have worked many stargates on Gaia and I have never experienced anything like I did in Paris. Since I have returned home and had time to rest and research the places I visited in more depth, I have tried to take all that light and put into a presentation that will serve to capture the grandeur and miraculous experience that was the birth and activation of the collective soul of Terra Nova. If ever humanity was ready to walk upon the frequencies of new earth, it is now that this stargate has been activated to allow these frequencies to flow into the planetary Diamond Sun Body! I guess I should say partially activated.

The reason I say partially activated is because Paris is a very special stargate upon the planet. It is the location of the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova. The activation of planetary soul consciousness allowed for the first time, the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova to begin to be activated. While all stargates function as hearts in their own right, there is only one Diamond Solar Heart within the planetary Diamond Sun Body. The energy of the stargate in Paris is massive. In fact, it is so massive that there will be multiple collective activations there as our collective consciousness continues its ascension journey. This is one of the reasons why I was not given much time to prepare for my trip to unlock it – because I would have tried to tackle the entire stargate. It just was not possible in the five days that I was there anyway.

But more importantly, our work there was to activate the collective soul frequencies of the heart center. To understand this, we have to break the entire diamond solar heart stargate in Paris down. We always talk about stargates within stargates. We have explained before each stargate has within it smaller stargates that are fractals of the macro. We also talk about the threefold flame of the heart. Because Paris is the diamond solar heart of the collective light body, there will be three major births and activations of the “flames” of this stargate and one final full activation of the entire Golden Diamond Solar Heart of humanity. However, these occur during major milestone achievements of the collective ascension. The first was the collective soul, eventually we will have the galactic/oversoul activation, the universal/God activation, and finally the fully ascended Divine human collective and planetary consciousness of Terra Nova. These are all years away but we can take a quick look at the overall view of the stargate and explain briefly the entire layout before we dive deeper in to the soul consciousness sections of the stargate that were activated in September 2024.

In Paris the central column of the stargate is set up on what is called the historical axis of Paris. It is a central column or spinal column that carries energy through the entire stargate and into the planetary light body. This stargate is massive and can only be activated in sections according to certain milestones of the collective ascension. It was a dream of the Sun King and Master Builder Soul, Louis XIV that this central axis run all the way from the Louvre to his birth place of Saint Germain en-Laye. That dream has not yet been realized but this historic axis does go from the birthing portal at Isle di Cite site of Notre Dame Cathedral all the way to the Grand Arch of Defense in the metropolitan district of Paris.

The axis is set up to correspond to the rising of the sun in the east and the setting of the sun in the west. Each year on a few specific days the sun can be seen either rising or setting through the arches of the axis. Everything about this stargate is about POWER and LIGHT, the power of the sun, the power of the heart which is our spiritual sun and source of power as a Creator! It is about the FREEDOM that we experience when our heart is fully open and we are able to stand firmly in our power. The diamond sun architecture of this stargate is mind blowing. There is so much that could be written, so much symbolism which is simply a manifestation of the Divine energy that was used to create it. For this article, we will share an overview of the stargate and then move into the experience of the soul consciousness activation only.

From the bottom to the top, we will work backwards along the central column to explain the main sections of the stargate. The zero point of the stargate lies on the Isle de la Cite which houses the two churches of Notre Dame, the Divine Masculine, and Saint Chapelle, the Divine Feminine. This is the birthing portal of the stargate and was also the very site of the birth of the city of Paris by Celtic Gauls in the 3rd century. From the Divine Mother and Divine Father light is created and the Divine Child is birthed. Following the sun and moving west, as consciousness has always done on this planetary evolution, we come to the church of Saint Germain L’Auxerrois directly across the street from the Louvre Museum. This marks the north western boundary of the birthing portal and begins the sacral creative energies marked by the outdoor pyramid and inverted pyramid of the Louvre. This was the original palace of the monarchy until Louis XIV moved it to Versailles .

Moving up the spinal column we approach the first of three arches that mark the main stargates between the various phases of consciousness. The first is the Triumphal Arch of the Carousel which opens the gateway to the solar frequencies and the power center solar plexus of this stargate. Centered in the “belly” of this stargate is the Place de la Concorde which houses an Egyptian obelisk that is the meeting point of the masculine and feminine energies to alchemize before reaching the heart. North of the Place de la Concorde we flow towards the Grand Palace that sits at the intersection with the Pont Alexander III and horizontal Republican Axis and is the location of the heart center. Following the heart we continue to move westward or up the Champs Elysée boulevard to reach the high heart or communication center of this massive stargate, the Triumphal Arch. This massive arch is double the size of the one at the carousel and is the master lock for the soul frequency sections that we unlocked in Paris. It is also here that the soul frequency stargates end and the galactic frequency section of the stargate begins. More on this another time.

Following the Triumphal Arch westward along the Avenue of Charles de Gaule the route crosses the Seine River bringing the energy into the “mind” of this stargate. Continuing to move west with the sun or as the energy moves, we enter the metropolitan center of Paris called La Defense. This is the brain center of the stargate, home to skyscrapers and the final arch of the stargate, the Arch of the Defense. The brow and all seeing eye of Paris. This arch is twice as large as the Triumphal Arch and four times as large as the Arch of the Carousel. This marks the top half of the stargate and the galactic frequency stargates that will need be embodied collectively and opened during the collective ascension.

Finally, the historic axis of Paris is being extended, a continuation of the dream of Louis XIV. What has yet to be completed and what will eventually connect the final energy lines of this entire stargate is the crown and universal frequencies of the planetary ascension. These will eventually fully connect the birth place of Louis XIV of Saint Germain de Lyons and the Palace of the Sun King in Versailles which will allow for the full activation of the diamond solar heart of humanity. This entire stargate will be years in the activation as we work to activate all three flames or rays of the threefold flame of the collective heart which represent the Divine child of the collective soul/solar, oversoul/galactic, and God/universal collective being. And finally the full activation and ascension of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova and embodiment of the golden ray and golden heart of the Collective Divine Child.

Below is an overview of the stargate so you can see the central column and how the energy centers play out on the stargate. Bear in mind that there are other parts of this stargate that are not shown that run along the left and right sides of the Seine to help complete the stargate. In an effort to be concise, we will only share the major stargates within this stargate for this overview. We will get into the specifics of the soul stargates in the following paragraphs.

The Journey Begins

As I mentioned, this stargate is massive! We were only in Paris for five days to do the work to activate the collective soul sections that needed to be unlocked to begin opening the diamond solar heart. I will share the journey of activating the collective soul as it was experienced through commentary, videos, and photographs to share the love and light of this magnificent place on Earth.

The activation and birth of the collective soul was to take place between September 3rd and September 5th of 2024. Only one week after our tickets were booked and a tentative itinerary sketched out, Christos and I left for Paris. On September 3rd we boarded a plane from Venice to Paris and were assigned seat 13D and 13E. This was the theme of the trip. We were in Paris as Master Keys, the 13th, Pure Force of Creation that is created when all 12 Rays of Creation for each phase of ascension have been embodied. When we arrived in Paris we were give hotel room 13 in the Saint Germain neighborhood. This hotel was especially chosen for us because it sits inside the birthing portal area of the diamond solar heart near Notre Dame and Saint Chappelle Cathedrals which allowed me a place to physically birth the light. It is also easy walking distance to all the areas that we needed to activate during the time that we had in Paris.

The activation of the collective soul also corresponded to the Paralympics that was taking place in Paris. The entire city had undergone a purification for the Olympics and all eyes were still on Paris as the energy was being broadcast all over the world. There were certain areas closed off but this inevitably funneled people to the most potent parts of the stargate that were being activated. The work began with a stroll through the Luxembourg Gardens and a walk to the replica of the Statue of Liberty that was a gift to America from France. The entire theme of this stargate is liberty and freedom. The Olympic mascot is the Phrygian cap or liberty cap of the French Republic. France is the birthplace of the modern republic and the overthrow of feudalism, the power of monarchies, and the Divine right of Kings. Freedom is celebrated in the architecture of Paris, in the monuments, and is felt in the energy of everything I experienced there. It is powerful and palpable to say the least.

The statue of liberty plays an integral role in this activation. There is a literal and metaphysical passing of the torch or the light needed to fully activate the collective soul realities through the templates for these realities that are housed in North America. This is why the freedom codes and tablets for humanity have been released and activated along the spinal column of Gaia extensively in North America over the past few years. And also why we saw the Olympic torch being passed from France to the United States at the closing ceremony of the Olympic games. Remember that consciousness is awakening and continuing its evolution from West to East now that we have begun to move backwards through time via the collective ascension. Which means we are evolving the collective from West to East. Freedom codes for galactic consciousness will begin being released in sections of Europe the Middle East in the coming years as part of the ongoing evolution of the collective ascension happening on our planet.

Activating the stargate at the Statue of Liberty and all of Luxembourg Gardens was the first step in connecting the freedom gateways or connecting the diamond solar heart to the soul sections of the collective light body. This allows the pure frequencies of soul consciousness to begin manifesting into our collective realities. The symbolism with the United States was further evident at the Fountain of the Four Worlds in the Luxembourg Gardens. I was especially drawn to this fountain with four humans holding up the celestial sphere enclosing the earth and flanked by horses on all sides. The four humans represent the four continents of Africa, America, Europe, and Asia. We have written about the sections of the collective light body in The Master Plan of Terra Nova. Now we see this illustrated in the four continents represented. Africa for physical 3rd dimensional man, America for Soul 6D man, Europe for Galactic 9D man, and Asia for universal 12D man. All lands of the world together as a Divine Human!

Furthermore, we see that Africa is depicted as a slave with a broken ankle chain still attached to one foot. The chain is being stepped on by America. At one layer of Creation this symbolizes that America still practiced slavery at the time this statue was created. On a higher level, we see third dimensional modern man becoming a slave to the “American” way of life. An allusion to the culture in America that has enslaved modern man and that will be freed with the collective soul realities. The four beings are holding up the Earth enclosed within the celestial sphere that has all twelve zodiac signs engraved around it. Alluding to the twelve celestial stargates of our solar system (the zodiac), the twelve dimensions of consciousness in our Universe, as well as the twelve master rays of Creation that create our world and all realities within it. This fountain was an important stargate within this stargate that runs the horizontal axis from the Isle de Cite along the Luxembourg Garden to the Observatory in Paris.

Luxembourg Gardens

Following the activation at the Luxembourg Gardens, we took a stroll up the left side of the Seine for an evening ascent up the Eiffel Tower. On our way we came to the Pont Alexander III which is a bridge that connects the left and right sides of the Seine at the location of the Grand Palace and is heart of the diamond solar heart. This particular horizontal axis is called the Republican Axis and it was the site of the main Olympic village and festivities ensuring that there was plenty of collective energy to activate and receive the light of the diamond solar heart. Stepping foot onto the Pont Alexander III I felt I was transported directly into the frequencies of heaven. This would happen many times on this stargate and I would be overcome with bliss and begin to cry. This bridge was built at the end of the nineteenth century in dedication to Tsar Alexander III for the Franco-Russian alliance of 1892. The foundational stone was laid by his son Nicholas II in 1896 . This is an important symbolic event for future activations of this stargate as the West and the East begin to come into harmony through the evolution of our collective consciousness. It is flanked on all four sides with large columns containing gilded fames dedicated to science and art on the right and commerce and industry on the left. At the bottom of each column is statue representing the various identities of France. On the right is contemporary France and France of Charlemagne. On the left is France of the Renaissance and France of Louis XIV. Most of the area was closed off because there were events going on and so we were only able to experience the bridge for a short time before continuing our way towards the Eiffel Tower. We would do work on the other side of the bridge and heart center the next day.

Just before we reached the Eiffel Tower I was stopped dead in my tracts by what I knew instantly was an Eastern Orthodox church. My heart lit up as the energy of these churches always carry a strong feeling of the Sophia, Divine Mother frequencies. I made my way to the entrance and once I walked through it I was instantly transported into the bliss of Creation. In all of Paris, the inside of this church was my absolute favorite spot of all. Inside the church all the energy of Paris melted away into the absolute peace of the Trinitized God Forces of Creation, unconditional love. This church is actually a Russian Orthodox church that was built in 2016. It is called the Holy Trinity Church and the energy of this place certainly reflects that. It is situated near the Eiffel Tower and Pont Alexander III as part of the Divine Child frequencies that bring balance and harmony to this stargate. I could have stayed in there all night but the work at the Eiffel Tower was yet to be complete and the energies were moving me and the collective onward toward the Milky Way or galactic frequencies we would connect to the following day!

The Seine, Pont (Bridge) Alexander III, and Holy Trinity Church

It was just getting dark when we made it to the Eiffel Tower and made our way up to the top. All of Paris was lit up in 360 degrees around us while an Olympic soccer match was taking place below on the Champs de Mars. The energy was through the roof as thousands of people were screaming and chanting below us. From the top of the Eiffel Tower we could see all of Paris in lights! It was the reason we were there and a very electric beginning to the activation. The stargate that flows along the Champ de Mars, the God of War, literally channels the masculine soul frequencies up the Eiffel Tower as part of the overall power center and rod of this stargate. The energy of Paris was alive and the soccer match below ensured that the grids were electrified with human energy and the maximum power to activate this stargate. In the picture below you can see the heart of this stargate at Champs de Mars lit up by a soccer field and thousands of screaming fans. This is a stargate within the diamond solar heart stargate of Paris and the architecture is very easy to make out with the lights ablaze as we were collectively activating this portion of the stargate. How amazing! I was swooning from all the people, the energy, and the massive amount of light that was streaming into my body. The light was now pumping through the heart of this stargate and our activation of the diamond solar heart stargate was well underway. It had been a long day but we walked all the way back to our hotel along the river to finish activating this section of the stargate.

Champs de Mars and the Eiffel Tower

Notre Dame

The following day was another long day in which we were to work the main column of the stargate. The day began early at sunrise on the Isle de la Cite at Notre Dame. Notre Dame is one the most famous churches in the entire world. It houses the crown of thorns placed upon Christ’s head during the passion. In Paris is symbolically marks the zero point stargate, eternally connecting the birthing portal and crown of the diamond solar heart. Here the seeds or DNA sequencing codes for the collective soul heart activation of this stargate as well as the other major activations of the diamond solar heart are stored within the original planetary architecture. Each day after the work, I would return to Notre Dame where codes were unlocked, deposited, and/or uploaded into my vessel for the birth and activation of the collective soul light. These seeds or light codes could not be opened until the collective soul of humanity was ready to yield the power of the light of our collective soul or what is also known as Christ Consciousness.

In the middle of Notre Dame square is the zero point marker of Paris and zero point of this entire stargate. We were not able to stand directly on the marker or even photograph it because it too is veiled behind the restoration/resurrection work being done at the cathedral. We must begin to embody the collective soul light we activated in Paris in order for the veils or fence around the cathedral to lift. This will be achieved from now through the December solstice gateway. This is the trinitized soul light made up of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and Divine Child soul frequencies as ONE collective soul. In 2019, fire ravaged through the cathedral as part of the shift of the collective consciousness to the stargate system of diamond sun architecture which initiated the collective ascension. I found it interesting that the triangular shaped roof frame that was hand cut and put together without nails was to be rebuilt using traditional medieval methods. Working with the “original and organic” architectural blueprints of the the roof frame that were recreated beginning in 2012 (beginning of purification project on planetary blueprints); by two French architects who felt called to create blueprints of this medieval wooden structure that no one had ever mapped out before. Because of their work, when the fire destroyed the frame, it was able to be reconstructed in the same organic nature by human hands using the “new” blueprints they had created.

The resurrection of Notre Dame is an example of the collective effort that has always been put forth and will always be put forth in order to evolve the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. I would like to attach a non-spiritual article that shares more in depth about this because I feel it truly captures the organic nature of evolution and the bridge that we have built as humanity to cross from one reality and phase of consciousness (3D personality) to soul consciousness. Reading it with eyes that merge the spiritual and material, ONE can really see the collective consciousness at work and the mystery of Creation shining through all of us as ONE. It can be read by external link here.

The final thought about Notre Dame before we continue the journey of activating the collective soul, is regarding the reopening of Notre Dame. The reopening is set for December 8, 2024, just in time for the winter solstice gateway and collective soul embodiment event, after a miraculous five year restoration project. Which in itself is a testament to what we can achieve as humans when we work toward a shared collective goal. The French President Emanual Macron asked the Pope to say the reopening mass and he declined. While I cannot speak to the character of the man Francis, I can share why the office or institution of the Pope was not destined to be at the mass. There is a law in France that the government owns all churches built before 1905. It is part of the separation of church and state in France and while the government owns the building it does not subsidize or interfere with the religious institution using the building. This does not sit well or vibrationally align with the power structures that govern the Catholic Church.

Also, the Pope represents the head of a religious institution that has perverted Christianity by removing the Divine Feminine Sophia/Wisdom aspect of the Trinity, placing one human man above all others as Pope when ALL humans are Divine Beings, along with other issues with the dogma of the religion that does not align with Christ Consciousness. This does not make Catholics wrong, the Pope wrong, or the church or any other religions wrong – it is all part of the Divine Plan and should be honored as so. But again, we are evolving into a pure experience of Christ Consciousness which will transcend much of what religion has taught us or made us fear as “the gospel” and this is what the declination of the Pope’s invitation is truly showing us. Because the power structures that supported the Catholic Church and the papacy cannot continue in the soul realities of Christ Consciousness, the Pope as head of the church cannot support the mass because it does not align with the frequencies of the new reality. It is really a matter of the two vibrating within two very different dimensions of consciousness.

This is why when we went to the Vatican to open the gates of Heaven for the collective in 2021, the pope left the exact moment I walked through the gates and did not return the entire time I was in Rome. I passed his motorcade leaving for the airport as I walked in to St. Peter’s Square. The resurrection of Notre Dame heralds the resurrection of Divine Man. Man beginning to understand his Divine right as a Sovereign Divine Being who holds within him the power of all of Creation. This is on a whole different level or dimension than the dogma and belief systems of modern man’s religions. The reopening of Notre Dame is the very beginning stages of this new Creation Wave or reality that will one day bring this understanding into full illumination for all of humanity.

This is a lot about Notre Dame but it is worth the extra words here to show the importance of this stargate within the planetary light body and also a great physical manifestation of the ascension energies and how realities dissolve and manifest on our planet. Standing in the open part of Notre Dame square on the morning of September 4, 2024, at the zero point birthing portal of the collective diamond solar heart, I could feel the birth, the death, and the resurrection of our collective consciousness that has taken place at this site before and that will take place here again.

As the sun was rising in the East, the resurrection or birth of the collective soul was coursing through this stargate and we would follow the course of the sun the entire day as we made our way westward to the high heart to fully unlock the diamond solar heart soul consciousness stargates of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. Where 9-4-2024 would again prove to be a gateway within space time that connects realities. In the 9 4 22 4 from above we see the zero is dropped because it is empty space. The 9 represents the Trinity of the three phases of ascension that aligns all star gates of a diamond sun body with the Source/Zero Pure Creation energies. The 4 represents the end of the personality Creation Wave and one phase of our evolution, the 22 represents the Master Builder code signifying the building of the light body or Bridge to pass through the gateway into a new Creation Wave of collective soul realities that has 4 distinct seasons or phases. What a powerful day!!

Notre Dame Cathedral Day and Night

After my sunrise visit to Notre Dame, I walked across the island to the church of Saint Chapelle that helps to balance the energies of the birthing portal. Saint Chappelle was built in the 13th century and is a gothic cathedral typical of French architecture. The nave is surrounded by 15 panes of breath taking stained glass. These panes depict the story of mankind from Creation to Christ’s resurrection (birth of Christ Consciousness). On the far end of the church is a mandala like stained glass window called the Rose window. This window depicts the apocalypse and the end of time. (The end of a Creation Wave, personality phase of our collective ascension). The end of time being the end of man’s time, the end of the illusions of modern man and religion, and the birth of the collective soul and a new experience of time on this planet. And that is what we were doing in this church at 9:11 a.m. on September 4, 2024! 911 is the cosmic code for endings. Essentially it acts as a stargate within space and time that is the ends the reality. We were unlocking the codes and activating the stargate that will bring about a new experience of time on this planet and the birth of Divine Man or what we will call the collective Divine human experience.

All of this took place on the Isle de la Cite in Paris. The Isle de la Cite looks just like a vulva. It is the zero point/birthing portal of this stargate from which all light is birthed. It lies directly in the middle of the Seine River as the root of the central column. It is the birth place of Paris that was founded by a tribe of Celtic Gauls called the Parisii between 250BC to 225BC and later became a Roman garrison around 52BC. Although, archeological evidence suggests the earliest inhabitants of the region date back to the neolithic period around 8000BC. Paris basically began with the Parisii on the Isle de la Cite and expanded outwardly in a spiral like pattern that creates the Paris that we know today. What a beautiful manifestation of Divine Architecture!! It sets my heart on fire! From this birthing portal the central column runs up the right side of the river all the way to the Arch of Defense. This was where our work would lead us the rest of the day but first it was time to meet up with Christos and have some well earned breakfast.

Saint Chapelle

Our breakfast stop was at Le Deux Magots in the Saint Germain district of Paris a short walk from our hotel. It was also directly across from the Saint Germain des Pres church and still within the birthing portal of the stargate. I had work to do in the church but first we sat down and had the Hemingway special at the cafe. When we sat down I told Christos the place was literally sitting on a gold mind. The Divine child frequencies were so palpable. When he looked at the price of breakfast he concurred! In all seriousness though it is a powerful stargate. The name Le Deux Magots literally means “The Two Figurines” for two famous figurines that have been part of the place since before it was a cafe. The figurines represent magicians or alchemist from the East. Again seeing the symbolic merging of the East and West that must take place in the heart for full activation of the diamond solar heart of humanity. I glanced behind us at the wall and there was a poster that was advertising a show “Harmonic Convergence”. I nearly fell out of my chair at the subtle bread crumbs consciousness leaves all around us. Everything is such a mirror of the energy flowing through the light bodies of Creation and when we can see it, we see that the Universe is always speaking to us.

After refueling our human bodies, I walked over to the Saint Germain des Pres church and went inside. Like most places in Paris this church has a long history. It is built around the site of a Roman temple and was originally founded as a Benedictine abbey and Christian church in 558. It was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in the 8th century for Saint Germain the 6th century bishop. There is an older original part of the church and a newer part. I immediately felt drawn to the older “plain” chapel and was able to unlock the portal there and then went into the newer section. Inside I was drawn to a statue of St. Peter holding the keys of Heaven. A nod to the work we did at the Vatican in 2021 and also a marking point of this being the site of the lock for the birthing portal. As a Master Key I was there to unlock it. This was the site of the harmonic convergence of the masculine, feminine, and child energies of the birthing portal. In a sure sign from the Universe, I walked out of the church at exactly 11:11. The birthing portal was ready. It was now time to begin our ascent up the central column and make our way to the Arc of Triumph where we would fully unlock this stargate.

Les Deux Magots and Sanit Germain des Pres Church

A Walk through the Gates

Making our way across the Seine and the Isle de la Cite, we arrived at the Louvre Museum in the Napoleon courtyard where the famous pyramidal entrance of the Louvre is located. I would visit the Louvre later in the week and work with light encoding certain artifacts inside but today I was more interested in following the energy westward. As a house or museum of human creativity this area marks the creative center and third dimensional stargate of the diamond solar heart. It is the well known starting point of the Historic Axis of Paris and the spinal column energetics for the entire diamond solar heart stargate. Directly next to the pyramidal entrance is a statue of the Sun King, Louis XIV, portrayed as Alexander the Great. This statue corresponds to the L5 vertebra in the human body which acts as a storage repository for the genetic lineage of a person or in the case of this statue, for humanity. It connects the mobile spine to the sacrum or creative center of the light body.

From this statue looking West, you are exactly lined up with the spinal or central column of this entire stargate and literally tapped into the entire genetic lineage of this stargate. Looking westward from the statue is the Triumphal Arch of the Carousel and entrance to the Tuileries Gardens. This is the first of the three arches along the axis that acts as major gateways from one level of consciousness to another. Passing through the Triumphal Arch of the Carousel we were leaving behind our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd personality of human consciousness stargates and were moving into the soul consciousness stargates of this diamond solar heart. But before we pass through this gateway we must look up to the top of this arch and share the symbolic lock that must be unlocked before we can pass through it. At the top of this arch we find replicas of the Four Horses of St. Marks pulling a quadriga that is driven by the personification of peace. Since this is a massive gateway within this stargate, we are going to break this symbolism down in all it’s divine glory so that we can see just how beautiful the story of humanity is.

The Four Horses of St. Marks actually have their start long before St. Marks was built. We can trace their origins to classical antiquity, possibly Ancient Greek craftmanship, built for the Hippodrome of Constantinople or current day Istanbul. During the 4th crusades they were taken from Constantinople by Venetian forces and finally made there way to Venice and St. Marks in the year 1254. The four horses are those of the Sun God Helios better known as Apollo the God of Light. In mythology, Apollo is depicted driving his quadriga or chariot across the heavens, delivering daylight and dispersing the darkness. The four horses are symbolic in Divine Architecture because they symbolize the 4 phases or 4 seasons of life within a Creation wave. They are spring/birth, summer/growth, autumn/maturation, and winter/death. The quadriga or chariot represents the body, the reins represent the mind, and the driver represents the spirit. When we can master the four phases of a Creation wave, or the seasons of life, then our body, mind, and spirit are ready to transcend or reincarnate into a new reality and/or experience of life. In this case, man has mastered the lower dimensions of personality consciousness and is ready to take the reins of a new quadriga or Creation Wave and move into the realities of soul consciousness. The four horses of the apocalypse are ready to take us to our death and through the gates to a new life. We see that the apocalypse of religion is not the end of the world, only the ending of experiencing the world or collective reality and the beginning of a new world/reality experience.

The Four Horses of St. Marks are light encoded and have had quite the journey around the globe. In 1797 Napoleon had them moved to Paris and used to top this arch. However, in 1815, after Waterloo, the horses were restored to Venice and are now kept within the church of St. Marks. They had served their purpose in Paris and now there is a new statue above the arch in which the personification of peace rides the quadriga symbolizing modern (third dimensional) man mastering the phases or seasons of life. We have died the death and we now stand before the gateway into soul consciousness and the birth of Divine Man. A new phase and a new Creation wave is upon us as we reincarnate into a new world and begin our mastery of the four phases of our soul life. The number 4 was very symbolic during this trip as we will continue to see.

After unlocking the gate, we passed through the main arch to behold the Olympic cauldron and balloon that was created especially for this Olympic games as a symbol of Freedom. It was created as homage to the Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment that helped bring humanity to this moment of freedom. It is also the first time that the cauldron was lit without fire. It was lit using water and light. Another allusion to the evolution of man moving beyond the primitive third dimensional use of energy and into a move evolved use and understanding of solar energy. It was also a great bread crumb to begin moving us into the power center of this stargate. Through the Tuileries Garden we arrived at the powerful and eye catching 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk at La Place de Concorde a square along the central column with a horizontal axis flanked by the Bourbon Palace across the Seine of the left and the Madeline Church on the right.

This stargate represents our belly, our hara as the Japanese call it, the solar plexus, and merging point of the fire and water elements in the body. Here steam is created, qi, life force, the power to bring our will into manifestation. And in the diamond solar heart in Paris, the Luxor Obelisk personifies this power. Reaching 75 feet into the sky with a gold capstone, it is a powerful conductor of Divine energy. This obelisk is part of a pair of obelisks that stood at either side of the portal of the Luxor Temple in Egypt where pharaohs were believed to be crowned. The obelisk in Paris was the right hand or WESTERN stone that was moved to Paris in the 1830s as a gift from Muhammad Ali Pasha the ruler of Ottoman Egypt. This is significant because the evolution of modern man and the birth of soul consciousness have been templated in Western Civilization and will flow Eastward into the galactic templates which are also housed in Egypt. Everything is connected and standing before this obelisk you can feel the origins of the Earth and the entire timeline of this planetary star system can be experienced.

As it happened, during our activation, the area directly under the obelisk all the way to the Grand Palace was closed off as part of the Olympic village. We moved to the right and made our way into the Madeleine Church to connect the vertical and horizontal axis of this power center. From the steps of the Madeleine Church was the Luxor obelisk and the Bourbon Palace across the Seine. The entire belly of this stargate lit up and full power of the collective soul began to rumble beneath our feet. It was amazing and it was time to keep moving.

From the Madeleine Church we made our way back towards the Champs Elysees Gardens. Known as the most beautiful avenue in the world, the Champs Elysees has a long history in Parisian society. It also connects the power center of the belly and the heart into the communication center of the high heart or throat! We were fortunate to get to walk on the actual boulevard for a little way due to the Olympic road closures. First though I was able to make my way to the Winston Churchill Avenue between the Petit Palace and the Grand Palace to finish activated the horizontal Republican axis and heart center of this stargate that runs along the Pont Alexander III to the Hotel des Invalides and tomb of Napoleon. It was the most congested area as the most Olympic events and ceremonies were held within this area ensuring a collective experience of activating this stargate and the most potent energies of the heart could radiate into beings and be transported all over the world.

From the Louvre to the Champs Elysees

The final stretch of the day came as we made our way up the Champs Elysees toward the Triumphal Arch and our final gateway activation of this diamond solar heart for this level of collective consciousness. The Triumphal Arch is twice the size of the one near the Louvre and twice the distance. The Divine Architecture in Paris does not disappoint-ever! The Arch stands 164 feet high and offers stunning views of Paris of which I did not get the privilege to see. My work was down below on the ground at the zero point of this final stargate to unlock. This arch is located at the intersection of twelve avenues that radiate out from it in what was formerly called the Place of the Star before being renamed for Charles de Gaule. However, it is a star, a sun, the spiritual sun and high heart of this entire diamond solar heart stargate. The high heart or gateway that connects the six lower dimensions with the six higher dimensions. Allowing the frequencies of consciousness throughout all 12 dimensions to flow through the diamond sun body once embodied. It is the communication center or stargate where the heart and the mind merge. It opens once we activate soul consciousness to allow the Divine Will and Divine Power of our soul to begin bringing forth the Force of Creation -Unconditional Love.

It is also the final resting place and monument to the fallen soldiers of the revolution and world wars. But instead of writing about this one, I am going to play a video that I took to capture the intensity and energy of the moment we unlocked this diamond solar heart so that the light of our collective soul could begin flowing into the planetary grids. I would like to call your attention to the two gold plates that are on the left and right side of the golden eagle that you will see in the video. One is a golden plague celebrating the 11-11-1918 the day the armistice was signed in WWI. There is a ceremony here every year on November 11 to celebrate the fallen soldiers. The other golden plague celebrates 9-4-1870 which was the day the Third republic of France was proclaimed. These dates are very significant cosmic code markers for the 11/11 ascension codes for humanity and the 9/4 Freedom activation dates for humanity. We were unlocking this stargate for the ascension of the collective soul 11/11 on exactly September 4th. There is no mistaking the significance of the dates as these act as wormholes or stargates within space and time in which time or timelines are connected and/or transcended/bridged into new realities and experiences of being.

The King has Returned

September 5, 1638, Louis XIV was born in Saint Germain en-Laye approximately 20 miles from Paris. He was born Louis Dieudonne’ ,meaning Louis the God Given. His parents were married for 23 years and suffered four stillbirths. Thus his birth was heralded as a Divine Gift and a miracle of God. He remains the longest reigning monarch in history at 72 years and 110 days. The reign of King Louis XIV is known as the Great Century and much of his vision set the stage for creating the Divine Architecture that has allowed the city of Paris to become the diamond solar heart of humanity. He was in fact a Master Builder and a part of my own soul group, Master Builders, evolutionary journey on this planet. The diamond solar heart was unlocked in Paris on September 4, 2024. Once all the connections were made through all of space and time across the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body it was time to return to the Palace of Versailles and receive the coronation of the collective soul!

On September 5, 1980, I was born in Louisiana in the heart of French Acadian country. I grew up around the French language and share in French ancestry on my mother’s side. On the morning of September 5, 2024, my 44th birthday, I awoke before sunrise to begin my journey from Paris to Versailles. It was 44 years prior when Christos made the journey to Versailles. Another indication of the 4 bridging the 4 or one reality and Master Key bridging or connecting another, passing the torch. It was pouring rain out and I only had a light rain coat. Because it was so early there were no stores open to purchase an umbrella. I arrived at the gates of the Palace in Versailles soaking wet. It was a purification that needed to take place before I was allowed to enter the “gates” there.

In 1682, Louis XIV moved the court to Versailles. Due to experiences he had as a young child with the aristocracy he never fully trusted being in Paris. This was the impetus to move the court. Yet from a Divine perspective, Versailles was always to be part of the Crown or halo of the diamond solar heart. The image that comes to mind is that of a total solar eclipse and the corona or crown that surrounds the sun. Or the halo that surrounds the heads of Saints in paintings and sculptures. The moment a sovereign is crowned, he or she is symbolically taking the Divine Power of Creation and embodying that within their own being. To be sovereign means to be fully in one’s own power. To be a Divine Human means to be completely sovereign and embody the full power of Creation as a Divine Being. This is the power that lies within the stargate of Versailles – the full power of Creation and the sovereignty that comes with embodying it. This is the Divine mission that Louis XIV had as a Master Builder on Terra Nova. To build a royal palace as a manifestation of the Crown energies of the Diamond Solar Heart of this planet. It was his soul purpose and one that was fulfilled by the creation and manifestation of the Palace of Versailles.

This palace stands as part of the Crown/Universal stargate of the diamond solar heart. In fact, the historical axis of Paris is being extended north of the Arch of Defense. However, it is will have a slight curve in it -the makings of a crown! Perhaps ending at the ancient forest of Saint Germain one day connecting the birth and death places of the Sun King to complete the Diamond Sun Architecture that was laid out within the original grid work of the planetary light body. A master builder achievement on Terra Nova for sure! But for now, my journey to Versailles was two fold. It was to be a homecoming and a crowning of my own logos as a sovereign being. And on a collective level, going to Versailles was part of activating certain sections of the crown that coincide with the level of soul consciousness we have achieved as a collective. As we embody major phases of our ascension, such as soul consciousness that we recently achieved, more and more of the crown gets activated so that we are able to access more and more of our power as a Creator.

Palace Gates

I began the journey in the palace at the Holy Chapel which is modeled on Saint Chappelle located on the Isle de la Cite and birthing portal of Paris. The moment I walked through the gateway into the hall of the chapel my phone dinged. It was my another being I have been working with on the collective ascension and as a reflection to come into my/our own sovereignty as a Divine Human. Her name is Janet. We have been working as ONE with the collective consciousness for the past three years for this crowning moment. Standing in front of the altar my entire body was activated and space and time merged into ONE consciousness as ONE sovereign being crowned. I always enjoy these moments where the physical reality melts into the background. Although I was surrounded by other people I could not feel anyone or anything as separate than myself. Janet was in Arizona but I felt her in my own body, the people outside me were there next to me but I felt them in my own body too.

I was transfixed upon the altar, the golden light completely recoding my body, activating the stargates within me to align with a new life experience. Closing the gateways of my ascension and recalibrating them with space and time to transform my diamond sun body and consciousness onto a new Creation Wave within space. Simultaneously, I could feel the collective consciousness of Terra Nova and all of humanity. The collective light body was being activated through me as a surrogate. The timelines of the third dimensional modern man were closing. The stargates of the collective light body were shifting and realigning with a new timeline of soul consciousness. The 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional realities of unity consciousness all connecting to form a main stargate that unifies them all into ONE, THE DIVINE CHILD OF THE COLLECTIVE SOUL!

The soul of humanity was birthed into form. We were anchoring this into the planetary consciousness and I was birthing this light through my diamond sun body. I cannot even begin to tell you the intensity and bliss of the experience. It was as if my mind was turned off and all I could do was honor the light that was pouring through my body. I was a human rainbow bridge, I was Cosmic Code 44! The four seasons/Creation Wave of man’s time was complete. We had come to the end of time for that experience. The four seasons of our soul consciousness was opening up as a new Creation Wave and experience of soul or solar time yet to be experienced. The Cosmic Code 44 is a bridge between realities. In that moment I was the rainbow bridge for the collective consciousness! When it was complete I had been activated as a Sovereign Being, Janet had been activated as a Sovereign Being, and the collective consciousness had been activated as a collective soul! We had all received our Crown!

The altar that we found our selves at upon first stepping foot in the palace is a very special stargate. It is the 12th dimensional stargate that connects the entire diamond sun body to the Infinite Source at zero point. It is perpetual, meaning that the top, the crown, and the bottom, the birthing portal or root are always interconnected through zero point. This is why through birth or death we are always reincarnated into new life, a new reality, a new Creation wave/timeline. Whether it be into a reincarnation as the same logos if we have not yet completed the Alpha and Omega program. Or returning to the Source and starting all over again somewhere else in the Universe as a new logos. It is in the chapel on the altar in blazing gold that the zero point energies of the Crown and the Root are connected as ONE! Hallelujah! What a magical entrance into the Palace of Versailles!

Holy Chapel and Altar

After that I took a minute to gather myself and ground back into the physical reality and then began my tour of the palace and the gardens. I will not go into too much detail because this article is already so long. The most significant spaces in the palace were definitely the King and Queen’s chambers and the hall of mirrors which I believe was my favorite room in the palace. There are a lot of mirrors and crystal chandeliers that line the hall connecting the two chambers. It is a zero point, Pure Consciousness, blissful room! The king’s chamber is built right in the center of the central column of the stargate and looks out directly through the palace gates. Adjacent to his chamber is the Council Room that also looks out the gates of the central column. It was in this very room that France decided to fight alongside the United States in it’s fight for independence. So strong are the FREEDOM templates here in Paris! You can imagine the decision lighting up the planetary grids and helping to evolve the heart of modern man!

King and Queens Chambers, Hall of Mirrors, and Council Room

I finished the tour of the interior and made my way to the gardens for the remainder of the day. The gardens of Versailles are huge and I did not even make a dent in the work that this stargate will have over the entire collective ascension. Instead, I was following a very strong energy down to the Queens Hamlet. Remember, we were only activating the collective soul stargates of the crown this time around. Like putting jewels in the crown as we go along. It still took a few hours to walk the stargates and do the work. Finally birthing and activating the soul sections at the Temple of Love which has a cupid statue surrounded by twelve pillars. Again, showing us the twelve rays of Creation we had to embody in order to open the heart of the collective soul! The last stop of the day was in the Queens Hamlet which is an old village that Marie Antionette had built to be able to have privacy and enjoy “normal” life. Today it is still vey provincial and it was like stepping back in time being there. I made my way to an old farm house with chickens and other fowl in the yard. There was the final gateway of this stargate that I had to work for the day. It connected this “power” center with the stargate at St. Anthony’s cathedral in Padova, Italy. Once unlocked the work was done and I was done too. I was beat and I was fortunate to find a little trolly a few minutes walk away that delivered me back to the palace. The work in Versailles was complete. There is so much symbolism to share and one day I will write about it all. I took a few video clips and photos which I will share below.

Salle du Jeu de Paume – The Tennis Court Oath

Before leaving Versailles, I had one very important stop left. It was to the Salle du Jeu de Paume a short walk outside the palace gates. It was here on the Summer Solstice, June 20, 1789, that the members of the French Assembly or Third estate as they were known, gathered in secret to make an oath. The vowed “not to separate and to reassemble whenever necessary until the constitution of the kingdom is established”. This is the BIRTHPLACE of the French Republic and the BIRTHPLACE OF FREEDOM from the old program the Divine right of Kings, where only Monarch’s have the right to be a sovereign. It is the birthplace of the program that ALL men are FREE to BE SOVEREIGN. The tennis court is an indoor game room and it has been closed for repairs since 2021 – the same year of the Sacred Marriage of the collective that was needed to activate this stargate! Below are some photos from a museum in Paris that houses the famous painting of the Tennis Court Oath as well as many other relics on the history of Paris and the long road to FREEDOM for humankind that has its birth place here.

Wrapping it All Up in Paris

We had been in Paris for two and half days and I had completed nearly everything I was there to do. On the third day there was one final stop that needed to be made to completely finish the work for this trip. It was a walk up to the look out of Paris. As with most things during this trip, I was not prepared for what I found when we arrived at the top of the hill in Montmarte. I am a lover of all things basilica, cathedral, church, temple, mosque, etc. But I was not prepared for the blast of love that would hit me when I walked into the field of this stargate. The Basilica of the Sacred Heart is located at the top of the Butte of Montmarte with the most breathtaking views of Paris. We could not see the basilica nor the hundreds of people outside of it as we made our way up shaded steps to the top. Crawling out onto the street I looked to the right and my eyes were filled with the light of thousands of golden love locks lining the fences around the church. My heart was cracked wide open and tears streamed down my face. The Divine energy here was so pure and powerful I could hardly walk. It was total chaos with tourist and street performers and pilgrims to see the basilica but I could not feel that. All I could feel was the unconditional love of Creation.

I made my way to the line around the basilica to go inside. A street performer was singing Hallelujah out front of the church and I knew I was feeling heaven all around me. One day everyone on Earth will feel these energies as the density of the lower realities melts away and each’s light body is configured to experience them. In that moment, we were collectively one step closer to that reality. The work in Paris was about opening the SACRED HEART OF CHIRST or CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS the heart of our soul! We had unlocked the diamond solar heart, we had connected and activated the soul consciousness stargates within it, and we had birthed the collective soul and been crowned at Versailles. Now we stood at the threshold of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart where a perpetual adoration has been going for over 1.22 million hours straight. This was the final stop in Paris, all the golden “love” locks surrounding the church symbolizing the golden lock of our collective sacred heart that we had unlocked during our time in Paris through our collective love. We had arrived! WE WERE HOME IN THE SACRED HEART OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS AS A COLLECTIVE SOUL!

CONGRATULATIONS HUMANITY! We have successfully crossed the rainbow bridge to our collective soul realities and ignited the violet flame of our diamond solar heart! HALLELUJAH!

Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Final Thoughts

I spent five days in Paris and walked over 60 miles working the various stargates within the entire diamond solar heart. It was the Olympics, the city was filled with optimism and loving support as everyone around the world “tuned” in and filled the streets. The conditions were perfect as they always are and in the end the sacred heart of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova was online, activated, and beating with the power of pure soul frequencies that have never before been experienced on our planet. In time, we will come to see the fruit of this energy as it begins to manifest in our world and we embody it collectively. Humanity was standing at the fork of two very different timelines. One was world war III and the end of our species. The other was choosing a new path, a more peaceful path. A path that will bring about lasting peace in the next few decades. A path that will see humanity learn how to yield technology for the greater good of ALL and not just the few. A path that will allow us to become more connected to our world and begin to treat it with the reverence that it deserves. There is a long hard road ahead of us collectively as we work to rectify the things in our world that need to be changed. We must remember that physical reality unfolds at a sustainable and organic pace. You cannot rush an oak tree into old growth!

Celebrate in the fact that we have achieved so much already and trust in the knowing that we will pull through this together! We are standing on a new world, a new earth. We are firmly on Terra Nova. One day we will look back as a collective and be able to see what few of us are able to see today. The brilliant achievement that we just made as a collective consciousness. My birthday in Paris was amazing. Our birthday in Paris was amazing! The Master Builder’s soul group achievements in Paris were amazing! I am honored to be here on this planet and in this body. I am honored to be a part of the collective consciousness of this planet. We did it humanity! Let’s celebrate this moment and savor the magic of NOW! And let’s embrace the challenge of creating a future where as a collective we are living in harmony with each other, with nature, and with all of the Cosmos!

There was so much love and so much beauty to be experienced in Paris. My final day I was able to visit the Orsay Museum and feel the love in the impressionist paintings that had their birth in Paris. The light of these painting left me weeping in bliss. There is something so special about how these artists were able to capture the light, nature, and humanity right at the melting point between the form and formless where the bliss of Creation is felt. I believe this is why Monet suffered to blindness in old age. Staring at the hologram to find the space between the spiritual and the material so he could paint it. I certainly could feel the bliss of Creation in those paintings. Enjoy!

Beauty from the Orsay Museum

In closing, I would like to leave you with some graphics of a future Paris. They are the vision of Vincent Callebaut Architecture called Paris Smart City 2050. When I saw these my heart lit afire with the possibilities of what we can achieve as a collective. May the future Paris inspire us as much as the past and the present Paris has! Thank you all for sharing in this experience. I love you all so very much!

P.S. There will be more articles in the next few weeks as we make our way to the December Solstice. These will help to shed more light on the experience in Paris as well as how it fits into the entire collective ascension. If you would like to receive these posts or anything else I share from this website, please feel free to subscribe to receive updates here.

All Roads Lead to Home

Feltre, Italy

The crisp autumn air greeted us as we walked out the front door to begin our walk to Rome. The day was fresh, bursting with potential, as the first rays of morning sun penetrated the misty sky and illuminated the cobble stone streets of Feltre. It was a fantastic time to begin a new adventure, October 10th, or 1010 as the cosmic architect in me looks at dates. 1010 is the cosmic code of this Universe that represents the infinite potential and experience of the Absolute Reality. It is a cosmic code that promises those that tune into its energy a portal or gateway within space to a new experience or reality. I was keenly aware of the fact that when one enters the 1010 for a phase shift, reincarnation, or reality change, one can never be certain what the reality will look like on the other side. However, I was confident that through it there would be a sense of continuity or fluidity to my reality. So, blissfully unaware of what awaited us, Christos and I set off from our front door eager to hike from our home in Feltre through the Valle di Seren to the top of Monte Grappa.

We were aware that this hike would be the toughest of the entire trek to Rome, clocking in at around eight hours and over 21 miles (34Km) with an elevation gain of 4275ft (1303m). This alone is a grueling prospect but to be day one of a nearly two month walk seemed a bit ambitious. The hike was through the forest and mountains with no place to stop in between for meals or lodging. Given this, we (or I) felt the only path forward was to knock out the hike in one shot and put in a long and grueling day of hiking right out of the gate. Anxious to get started in the cool morning temperatures, we snapped a selfie of our first steps and headed down to one of our favorite spots, La Torrefazione, for a quick cafe’ before getting started. We were greeted with the familiar “Ciao Reggazi” , a warm greeting for friends and a reminder from the Universe that we are becoming a part of the community of Feltre. An underlying theme of our reality that would become so loud during our walk that we would not be able to ignore it. Yet, in the early morning hours, we simply delighted in the familiarity and friendliness of Feltre and set our sites on the next town of Seren del Grappa.

The road to Seren del Grappa was busy with morning traffic as we marched single file for about an hour and half to the one and only town on our route for the day. After stopping for another cafe’ and getting provisions for lunch, we strapped on our packs and headed for the hills. Nature was coming alive as we descended deep into the valley. The tingling of bells from cows grazing in the hills bringing our awareness fully into the present moment and to the beauty that surrounded us. Zinnias, dahlias, and other domesticated vegetation and flowers lined the road where the occasional house popped into view. Along the creek bed the purple clover, electric green grass, and other wildflowers gave the impression of an endless summer on this cool October morning. The entire valley filling every sense of the body with glorious sounds, smells, sights, and the majestic presence of Creation as we walked through its center, a river of love and light surrounded by tall walls of trees on either side. The beech trees starting to show signs of turning, changing into their fall wardrobe that littered the hills in oranges and yellows. We walked along this way for about an hour, delighting in the exquisiteness of nature and the serenity and peace of this magical place.

Finally it was time to begin our ascent. Around 10 a.m. we began climbing, first coming to a little dam built to contain a small stream that fed into the main river running through the valley. Looking over the ledge to the bottom of the dam there was a small and inviting pool. The shimmering hues of green and turquoise illuminating from the water felt tropical and foreign in this land of limestone and trees. I made a mental note of its location for a future summer’s day and we turned northward to continue. This was the beginning of a day of climbing. Our path now headed up into the hills as we began the process of slogging up the mountain. The cool morning was quickly turning into a hot day and the deluge of sweat had begun to flow from our pores as if our own inner dam had burst inside us. The road we traversed earlier on the valley floor was slowly becoming a tiny tract of winding land below us. We came across a sign and found that we were walking the path of the Al Cristo. This seemed a fitting name since today Christos was leading the way as we marched up the path through dispersed mountain huts and a tiny village steeped in silence, only the birds and our foot steps making waves within the stillness. We continued to climb for quite a ways when over the trees on an adjacent cliff a steeple appeared in the sky. This church steeple was a beacon of light calling to us as a place of refuge. A haven to rest and refill our water before carrying on upward towards our destination.

Churches all over the world serve as places of refuge for all weary travelers of space and time. When we have eyes to see these places as points within space where the pure energy or Force of Creation pools, we can utilize them as a sanctuary to refill our life force without being attached to the dogma of religion or other stories they carry. These places are literally gateways, wormholes, or whirlpools within space where the love of Creation can be felt. Where one can let go of unwanted energy and refill on the pure energy of Creation. The steep climb without any flat breaks was a killer. Tuning into this church as a beacon of light and a source of fuel and refuge gave us the burst of energy we needed to make that stretch of the trek. In front of the church was a grassy knoll where a gazebo sat with a table and benches inside. Adjacent to the gazebo was a stone water fountain with cold fresh water to fill our water bottles. Metaphysically and physically this became a refueling station for us. After eating a snack, refilling our water and our energy, it was time to move on. Looking behind us, we could see the green Serene Valley and the Dolomites towering over the landscape of the surrounding valleys, natures fortress walls that literally served as such during World War I and II; and we could just make out Feltre in the distance. The land here carrying so much history of our planet’s story and geology, of our human story of civilization, wars, pilgrimages, and even the future narrative of New Earth, Terra Nova, the heavenly days yet to come for humanity. The hills surrounding us felt like Gaia’s loving arms draped in green velvet gloves embracing us and all of humanity as we made this most auspicious journey up the mountain.

We spent the rest of the morning ascending into a higher destination. The elevation pushing the body physically to keep up with the ascension of altitude. My consciousness no longer centered in the heart as my body demanded all the attention. The sinews in the legs coming alive, pulling on the calf muscles as they used all their strength to drive each leg one after another constantly up the steep road. Silence permeating the repetitive action as all the air I could breath in was ravenously consumed by the lungs and muscles to fuel the challenging climb. It was a chance to rest the mind and tune into the body, becoming fully conscious of the miraculous human physical experience. Thighs screaming for a rest as we put one foot in front of the other in rhythmic step like the soldiers that marched these trails before us. I glanced down at my Fitbit and find my heart rate is 123 beats per minute. Ahhh, I think, my spring training has paid off. My body is responding well to the demands of this climb. I am feeling incredibly grounded into my body and this human experience as the entire Universe centered in my being and moving this body through space. The pure Force of Creation pouring into every bone, muscle, and fiber of my body. The heart and lungs expanding with each breath as love pours into me as I move forward. The earth beneath my feet responding to the higher frequency energy and releasing the density from the ground below me.

Continuing to climb, exhaustion is felt and the need to stop and refuel this human machine consumes my thoughts. Suddenly the hills seem steeper, the air hotter, the thirst unrelenting. I tell Christos it is time to begin looking for a flat spot to have our lunch break. We continue a little further when we see the Madonna and Child up ahead. Oh Madonna! You have saved us with your shrine and sanctuary. The cool stone and shade providing relief to these weary travelers. We have climbed to 3050 ft with still another 1200 ft to go. My hands are shaking as I unwrap and eat my sandwich, my muscles in desperate need of fuel from the steep sweat soaked climb. After water, a cheese sandwich, and a mandarin, my muscles have recovered and the shaking has subsided. The body grateful for the fuel and the rest. We eat our desert of dark chocolate and electrolyte tablets in the cool shade of this little stone shrine. A little whirlpool within space where the energy of Creation has created a sanctuary to rest, release, and refill. Filled with gratitude for my body, for the Madonna, for Creation, and for my beloved travel partner Christos, I was recharged and ready to continue climbing.

We continue the climb into a changing landscape. The dense forest and lush undergrowth is giving way to giant conifers draped in evergreen tinsel. Dispersed within them the yellowing leaves of the beech trees are preparing to drop from their branches for a season of dormancy. The climb continues as the air cools and the sun hides behind the colossal Norway Spruces. A welcome reprieve to these sweaty hikers on this unseasonably hot fall day. I feel as if I am walking between realities as visions of Colorado mountain conifers and yellowing aspens flow into my awareness from another point in time and space. Linear time dissolving into the full quantum experience of awakened consciousness and the sensation of being in both places at once dominates my experience for a while. It has been one hour since lunch of continuous slogging uphill, sun baked and sweat drenched. The constant ascent is beginning to show as my heart rate reaches 160 bpm and my body feels the fatigue of fives hours of climbing. My consciousness has once again centered itself in the body as the hamstrings and tendons in the legs feel the exertion of sustained pressure from the angled steps I must take to climb the mountain. The discomfort is the bodies alarm system that the muscles need more oxygen and water. We make a quick stop for water and rest. This vital life force is sent to the flesh, pacifying the lungs and legs enough to continue the climb.

Finally, we begin to break out of the trees. It is like shooting out of the birth canal into a new alpine world. We leave the protective cool shade of the conifers for the open land of the higher elevations. It feels like a victory because there is not much more elevation to be gained. However, our enthusiasm is soon deflated because we have gone the opposite direction of our final destination. It was a direction that cost us 150 feet of elevation and 45 minutes of our day. However, the view alone was worth the price. We had come to a fork in the road earlier and I checked the map for the direction which appeared to point this way. Divine intervention must have brought us here but at this stage of the hike our wearily bodies did not feel to heavenly about having to backtrack. Especially Christos, the Al Christo route was energetically draining for him and having to backtrack did not help. Finally, we were able to reconnect with the trail and regain our loss of elevation, inching closer to our refugio for the night. A glimpse back at the Dolomites and Feltre and they have become a tiny blip in the landscape. How distorted time and space can make something seem. A great reminder of how our perception creates our experience of reality.

We continue to walk for another hour when we approach a closed refugio. It is an opportunity for rest and another reminder that we must make it to the top of the mountain tonight to the only open refugio this time of year. After a much needed rest, we walk another mile up the hill to a closed hotel that overlooks another set of valleys. The landscape is breathtaking and acts as a fuel source to help us climb the final few miles of our trek. From here, we can see Cima Grappa, the top of Monte Grappa that is home to the Sacrario militare del Monte Grappa, the largest World War I memorial. It is still three miles to the base of the monument where we will end our journey. We set off for the final ascent and hardest climb of the day. My body is on fire as we begin the final leg of the days hike. Every step that we take towards Cima Grappa is like walking through cement. The energy is so dense and the physical body is on fire as we walk the paths of such tragic human suffering. Across the valley we see our refugio for the night, our talisman that is leading us to rest after a long day of walking. The entire day culminating in a crescendo of purifying energy. From Christos pouring out his love along the Al Christo, to the fires of purification burning in my body along the way to Cima Grappa, to the blissful morning in the forest and magnificent physical performance of the human body. It was a grandiose experience of energy that filled me with so much love and joy. The entire range of emotions, physical sensations, and experiences of the day epitomized the Divine experience of being fully conscious within the human form.

Christos and I arrived at the refugio after eight hours of hiking continuously up the mountain. We were drained, out of water, hot, sweaty, ready for a shower and genuinely happy for such an amazing hike. We approached the counter and asked for a room. To our sheer astonishment they said that they were closed for rooms. I had emailed to see if they were open and had rooms available but I never confirmed the room so they closed up for the day. I trust in the Universe, if we were meant to stay there then we would have had a room. Instead, we were meant to return to Feltre. The owners were angels that offered to drive us back to Feltre. On the way down I had such terrible motion sickness that I swore I would not go back up the mountain by automobile just to walk down the other side. We would simply have to start our next walk at the base of the mountain on the other side in Bassano del Grappa. However, first we needed to take a day to rest. The day’s hike ended right from where it began….back home in Feltre! A theme we would quickly realize the next time we ventured out to walk…. but we will save that story for next time.

Photos from Feltre to Monte Grappa

Walking out the front door

Walking through the gates of Feltre

Entering the Valle di Seren

Dahlias along the road

Captivating Hills

Sun Rising

Dam and Pool

Up we go

Beacon of Light

Rest Stop

Looking Back down the valley

Still Climbing

Lunch Sanctuary

Let there be light

Changing Seasons

Leaving the trees

Cima Grappa in the distance

Refugio Scarpon final destination

Embracing Life

Over the past few years, I have shared nearly every detail of my ascension journey as I treaded the path of enlightenment and liberation. As all that came before me and all that will come after me, I believed firmly in each and every reality and/or dimension that I found myself experiencing as the true reality. How can we not believe in a reality as real? Why else would it be called a reality. This is the design of how reality works within this Universe and definitely a marvel at how we as consciousness have created such an intricate design as a Force of Creation we have yet to fully understand. In recreating this website, all material that I shared during my ascension journey was categorized into dimensions and shared as a living example of the blueprint that consciousness uses to evolve and create in and as this Universe. I shared in this way because that is how I experienced the journey. Step by step through the blueprint as an architect. Every detail of every dimension and light body in that dimension was shown to me, the intricacies of how consciousness evolves and creates the matrix system or light bodies that in turn create and experience reality. It is part of being coded as an architect, the Sophia coding which is a Universal logos that many of us are coded to experience at some point on the journey.

Each of us will experience our own unique path and in doing so will share our light in our own unique way. However, these unique paths also align with others or vibe in subtle ways because there are only 144 harmonic frequencies in this Universe along with the trinitized God forces of light. This means that we are each coded to express certain rays or harmonic frequencies at the soul and galactic level and one trinitized force at the Universal level and finally, one full expression beyond ascension. For example, during my ascension I was coded to express and have the experience of a blue ray starseed galactic and the aqua magnetic force of light as the Universal aspect of Sophia. This does not mean that I am the only blue ray or Sophia on the planet. These rays and forces of light are themselves a logos within this Universe that are evolving just as you as a logos are evolving. So when we identify with these identities of self such as being a blue ray star seed or the Sophia/magnetic force of light, then we are identifying with the energy of that harmonic or that force of light. Just as identifying as a human is identifying with the collective logos of humanity. We then get to play out “our” story in which we help to evolve the various group logi along with our own self as a logos and microcosm of the whole. The difference is that when we attach or identify solely with any one identity then we experience our reality as dimensional or a separate reality within space and time. This is a perfectly natural path for consciousness to follow as it evolves through this various harmonics and forces of light within this holographic Universe. It is part of the ascension light program that each logos is playing out within this planetary experiment of evolution.

Eventually every logos will come into Divine Union through the sacred marriage and embody the totality of energy within and as this Universe. We will reach the end of our light programs as a logos and the end of the ascension light program, the Omega, which has governed every lifetime we have had since our descent into separation. This brings the reconciliation of eternity, unity, separation, and the end of duality for a logos. The end of duality is the end of the separate stories, the end of the line for us as a logos, and the final awakening into the absolute reality from which there can be no more births or deaths. Of course we realize we were always in the absolute reality we only veiled our consciousness so we could pretend we were not.

But what comes after the ascension journey, after enlightenment, after liberation, and especially after all these prove to be illusions themselves? I would lie if I did not say at times a feeling of despair, inertia so strong that it seems pointless to continue to be here. A nihilistic view of the world after such a rapturous experience of ascension. And this is where the logos makes it final push through the inertia of viewing life as meaningless and purposeless. We arrive victorious in the realization that the absolute reality is a story/illusion itself, it contains all stories and we are free to live and experience them all because our self is not attached to any of them. The self no longer has a purpose or mission to fulfill. The self has nothing to prove, no one to be, the desires to try and do anything to obtain any certain result are no longer there. It is no longer a seeker! We come to the realization that without the stories/the Maya/the illusion, there is no existence, nothing to experience, no joy to be had. That if we simply let go of all that we are, there is nothing left to express and experience life. We must discern the difference between letting go and letting go of attachment.

In short, because our ascension light program is complete, we are no longer seeking wisdom, enlightenment or liberation; or you could say that because we are no longer seeking wisdom, enlightenment or liberation, our ascension light program is complete. Either way, The Journey is over! The journey is over but life is not. There is a desire to continue to live, to be, to express, to experience, and to enjoy the fruits of joy that taking The Journey brings to us. The adventure of life continues even when the ascension journey comes to an end. What has ended is not the journey of life but the journey of seeking, the path to enlightenment, the quest for liberation, and the embodiment of the full Force of Creation within a human form. We come to the end of the light programs that created the realities of separation that we have experienced within the absolute reality for many life times since the creation of this star system and our creation as a logos for this experience. The dimensional awareness, or our ability to identify and attach to certain points within space and time as the only reality that is true, dissolves into an awareness that space and time are interdependent in nature. In all things: space, the void, the formless, the dark energy, are intertwined within: time, eternity, form, the light energy; and this interdependent inseparable nature is the absolute reality from which no concepts can describe.

The stories that we experience do not go away as much as they are absorbed into the totality of the experience and into the background. So that we find we can experience everything simultaneously without the need to identify with any one story. I cannot shake off the fact that I am a magnetic force within Creation any more than I can shake off the fact that I have female anatomy or blue eyes. This is how I created my expression within this experience. So while I may no longer identify with being a blue ray starseed, or a Sophia, or a mother, or a wife, or even a woman….I also know that if I refuse to play the parts then I might as well walk off the stage. What is the point of being here? Simultaneously, I know that I am also playing every part upon the world stage. That everything I see, everyone I meet, everything is a reflection of the consciousness that is all pervading. I could pretend to teach others enlightenment and play a spiritual Guru, I could isolate myself from the world and be a Master of Enlightenment, I could fall back into ordinary life and indulge the flesh and senses to extreme but none of these are my authentic expression. And if we cannot live as our authentic expression we will certainly face an untimely death.

I choose to live my authentic expression, I am not a Guru because I have nothing to teach, enlightenment cannot be taught and there is really no one to teach. I can share love because it brings me joy and I trust that love will do whatever needs to be done in any interaction that I have. I will not be a hermit and indulge in the bliss of the highest frequencies away from the world because I know I am only separating myself within the bliss and this too is self serving separation. It is a gold chain that bind us just as the iron chains of the lower dimensions did. Only we do not see it that way because we aspire to reach it. Yes, it is heavenly to sit in the bliss but it comes at the cost of separating your self from the rest of Creation. I am all of the world not just the bliss and so I will experience the entire range of energies of this Universe while I have the opportunity to do so in this body. Although I know that life is ultimately pointless from certain point of view of achieving anything. I will not simply indulge the flesh and senses without any regard for this vessel or quality of life. For I know how many billions of years it took to create this experience, this vessel, this mind, this understanding of myself as energy, consciousness fully embodied in this vessel. I will not waste the opportunity to have a full experience with this life until it is time to relinquish this vessel and move on.

So what can I do? I can live, I can be a part of the story, I can play my part, and I can enjoy every single day of the experience from within this vessel. I can live in the freedom of fully expressing the totality of my being, the tremendous love that I wish to share with Creation as a fully embodied Creator! I get to laugh, cry, experience happiness, sadness, joy, bliss and experience every range of emotion and feeling with the gift of impermanence to always remind me of the transient nature of consciousness. I can write because I want to write, share because it feels good to share, delight in the expression of others and their journeys without trying to do anything for them and spoiling their adventure. I can live without trying to do anything, become anything, seek anything, teach anything. I can be love, I can express love, I can experience love, I can create love, and I can share love with the full understanding that love will be the doer of whatever needs to be done and all I have to do is enjoy the experience of being in this miracle of life. My heart is alive with a passion for life as it has has not been for many months and I am ready to live!

I am also ready to walk. Since I was in my early 20s I have known that I would walk across Europe. Back then with the eyes of a young mother it seemed a gift of freedom when my little ones were old enough to leave the nest. Recently with the eyes of one that has taken The Ascension Journey, it appears as a gift of freedom to be able to move freely upon the land of this majestic planet without seeking anything or trying to do anything. Two years ago on 9/11/2021 I arrived in Italy for the first time. It was a short trip to Rome in which “I” was on a mission to unlock the gates of Heaven for the collective light body. In the story of the collective ascension it meant that the collective consciousness of Terra Nova was ready to begin its ascension into the higher frequencies of this Universe by activating the crystalline light body through galactic consciousness. It is only the beginning of this phase as we as a collective are still fully embodying soul consciousness. However, the stargates to allow these higher frequencies of galactic consciousness were prepared for activation. As I have written in Master Plan of Terra Nova, the United States, Canada, and Mexico represent the soul stargates of the collective light body. This is where the awakening and ascension of humanity began and is moving as a wave across the planet back to the East. Europe is a major portion of the galactic stargates of the collective light body that connect into the heart center of Rome. As this wave of consciousness continues to make its way East, this part of the planet will experience an awakening that will propel the collective consciousness even further on its ascension path. As I mentioned earlier, we each play a part as a harmonic frequency and a trinitized force of Creation within the Universe. This is what creates balance within the Universe. Some are magnetic, some are electric and some neutral, together balance is always maintained within the hologram.

My expression is coded as a magnetic force or Sophia. My beloved, Christos, is coded as an electric force and through Divine Union we have also become a neutral force. This means that as we walk along the ancient roads to Rome, the magnetic force is purifying the old lines so that the consciousness that is bound there can be freed to evolve into the higher crystalline light body that we as a collective have created and activated in 2020. Simultaneously, the electric force is injecting energy into the light body to bring the frequency high enough to shift into the crystalline light body. Together the full force of light, acts as a master key to activate the stargates as we physically walk across Europe. Because of physical body ascension, the body is able to move the energy through it without little disturbance or physical acknowledgement of what is happening. It is like the blood cells in our bodies that are working all the time without identifying as consciousness saying “I am purifying the blood of this body”. It is simply a happening like all the other processes happening in the body that are always occurring without consciousness focusing on them. This is what is happening as we walk and experience reality without having to identify with it as a mission of the logi known as Christos and Sophia. Unlike before, it is no longer a mission for the “I” to indertake, it simply happens as we walk just as the sun shines, the blood flows in our veins, and all of consciousness flows through space. Which frees us to experience our walk in the freedom and joy of the experience and beauty all around us without attaching to the story. All else is accomplished through the love and energy of our being present within the absolute reality.

It will take many years and millions of people to complete the process to shift the collective and fully activate this part of the collective diamond sun body. But this is all happening as a by product to the life that each human is living on the planet no matter where they are within time and space. My beloved and I are not the only ones coded as Sophia and Christos, as blue rays, as humans, as love. We are not the only ones expressing as the full force of Creation embodied. Every one of us is exactly where we need to be within time and space to achieve this and each will come to know and experience reality within these vatious levels of energy at some point and lifetime of their experience of evolution on this planet. In experiencing the absolute reality the focus is on the joy of the experience while the “work” or processes of evolution simply happen as a natural organic part of consciousness flowing through the reality without having to put its focus, attention, or attachment on it.

In alignment with this way of experiencing reality and my desire to share from the full expression that encompasses all of my being, I feel it is time to share my experiences and love in an entirely new way here. Moving on from simply sharing from the view point of the collective ascension or evolution of consciousness into a more inclusive viewpoint that captures the joy of the entire experience. The joy of living and the magic of Creation in all ways and all stories. The full expression of my love as a Creator. How do I write about the experience from this viewpoint? How do I share it so that it reflects love and joy in Creation without creating separation? The answer lies in sharing what brings me joy. I find joy in walking on the Earth for hours at a time. The movement is comforting, the solid ground beneath my feet and open sky above me feels natural. I’m prone to motion sickness so I enjoy the stability of a steady horizon in front of me. On 1010, I am walking out of my front door where I am living in Italy and I am walking over 800 kilometers to Rome. I know that I am walking as a mother who’s chicks are out of the nest. I am walking as a human that has been liberated from seeking. I am walking as Sophia, a magnetic force of Creation that is dismantling and reconstructing the blueprint of the collective light body. I am walking as the Force of Creation that is injecting love into this Universe. But those stories fall into the background on autopilot as I simply go out for a walk and enjoy the gift of this human experience and the brilliance of what we have created here without being bound to time, to schedules, to work or missions. I can walk knowing full well that I am always right where I need to be and all is happening in the flow. I am free to enjoy the scenery, the history, the modernization, the experience of life without being attached. It is like my favorite quote in the movie Soul when Soul 22 finds what brings her joy on Earth, Joe tells her “That’s just regular ole living 22”. And that captures it, through regular ole living everything is done!

I am not sure how I will share the regular living and many walks we will take here in Europe; following the well worn paths of soldiers, crusaders, pilgrims, martyrs, and ordinary humans merging an old foundation with a new foundation as humanity moves closer toward liberation. I suppose I will do as I have always done and let my heart lead the way. This is the first post in a new section on the website for articles. Anything that I shared in the past has been placed within a dimensional category and is shared under the enlightenment section of this website because it was written with the purpose of sharing light for enlightenment. That part of my life is complete and so it feels appropriate to move on in this new direction and start a new blog. Our next adventure will take us to Rome by foot and I have created a new category called All Roads Lead to Rome. I invite you to follow our adventures as we let our feet lead the way through ancient roads as we share love along the way! I am grateful for the gift of writing, of sharing and of all those who share in the joy with me. I love you all so very much!


Photons dancing in space flow through the electromagnetic field of the heart

Hurling into empty mind, playing the harmony of eternal bliss

Striking neurons, shooting rays of Light down neural pathways devoid of purpose

Gently plucking these Divine guitar strings plays the melody into holographic form

Strumming the mind as the tune comes alive through electromagnetic radiation of Pure Vibration

Photons flowing upon perfectly tuned strings merges all into the Divine experience

The sweet melody of balanced Light particles glides through neural pathways into eternal space

Effortlessly radiating the blissful tune eternally playing through the heart, empty mind, and the void of space

Without beginning or end, the quantum fabric in perfect harmony as the song of Pure Consciousness

Eternally on repeat, playing through the Divine Ouroboros of Light, the holographic Universe

Photons dancing as the electromagnetic field of existence eternally strumming itself through itself

Player and instrument revealed as holographic manifestations of the eternal song of Pure Consciousness

Separation and Union are dissolved in the mind, tuning the neural guitar strings to Divine Perfection

What can never be separated can never be united, Unity Consciousness reveals itself as illusion

Eternity is realized

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