Diamond Sun Mystery School Launching 2025

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Have you ever wanted to know about the mysteries of Creation. How our Universe was created? How time is created? How it works within our Universe?

Would you like to know why we live in a holographic universe? What does that mean? How are realities created in this universe?

Would you like to understand the Diamond Sun Architecture of our Universe which is the Cosmic Blueprint that creates everything we experience?

Would you like to know more about physical body ascension and the human design that creates the diamond sun body – the Divine Human body that is able to experience Heaven on Earth and ALL dimensional realities of our Universe?

The answers to these questions and more can be found in Diamond Sun Architecture and the energy blueprints for our Universe. In the Diamond Sun Mystery School we will share the mysteries of space and time. We will share the secrets of physical body ascension. We will share and explain the architectural blueprints of this Universe, our planet, and the human body. And we will share how they are used within space to create time and all realities experienced within this Universe.

We will share the origins of Terra Nova, this planetary star system from it’s inception to it’s full ascension. We will share the Master Plan of Terra Nova and how each of us plays a part in bringing this Divine plan to fruition. From your own role as an individual soul, to soul groups, and off planet support, we will share the details of the planetary ascension and evolution of Terra Nova into a Cosmic star system.

The Divine Human experience is here on New Earth for all those that wish to embody it. Heaven is here on Earth for those that wish to experience it. The infinite abundance of Creation is available to those who seek it with a pure heart. In this modern day mystery school, we will share the love, wisdom, and mysteries for anyone who feels called to receive their sacred initiations.

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