The Divine Organization of Creation Part 2 – The Master Plan of Terra Nova

Published in 2021 – Currently out of publication for revisions

Everything in Creation unfolds according to the Cosmic Blueprint of Diamond Sun Architecture. How that blueprint unfolds on our star system is part of the Master Plan of Terra Nova. It is the blueprint for the evolution and ascension of consciousness on our planet and all realities that we experience as a collective consciousness. The Master Plan of Terra Nova began billions of years ago at the inception of this star system. It has been unfolding through our collective consciousness since we were birthed into time and separation as human beings. This book will take the reader through how the Master Plan of Terra Nova has used the stargates of our Solar System to awaken the collective, evolve our consciousness through the Seven Ages of Man and prepare mankind to face our collective ego death to begin the Master Build of Terra Nova.

We will journey through time, through the Ages and history of man so that we can formulate an understanding of how the Master Plan unfolds on Terra Nova. This will prepare us to share the blueprint of the Master Build of Terra Nova that will be used to build our New Earth and ascend the collective consciousness into the fully ascended star nation of Terra Nova. The blueprint and Master Build will be shared in detail as a Light transmission to awaken consciousness within the reader. We will share how radiation centers and ascension centers across the planet will be built and act as Sources of Light for the collective ascension and realities. There is a lot to learn about the past, present, and future realities of our world as part of the Master Plan of Terra Nova and the roles within them. We present to the collective consciousness of this star system, The Master Plan of Terra Nova.

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